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Before you call an employment lawyer, use the Pocket Employment Lawyer to determine if your employment law rights have been violated, and what you should do about it.
Denied or cut off from long-term disability benefits? Don't accept your insurer's decision before using our disability lawyer tool to determine if you're owed compensation.
USE NOWConsultations and Severance Reviews
Terminations and Severance Packages
Whether you have been fired, permanently laid off, let go, or wrongfully dismissed, you have questions about your termination. Get a consultation with an employment lawyer to find out what your rights are, how much severance you may actually be owed – and how to get it.
Long-term Disability Claim Denials
Has your legitimate long-term disability claim been denied or cut off by the insurance company? Talk to a knowledgeable disability lawyer at no cost to discover your options and find out how to get the compensation you deserve.
How We Can Help
Find out more about our practical and cost-effective results for employees and employers, injured individuals and victims of long term disability claim denials throughout Ontario, Alberta and B.C.
Labour & Employment Law:
For Employees
We help employees with severance pay, wrongful dismissal, harassment, constructive dismissal, disability, layoffs and more.
Are you an Employee? Get help here
Labour & Employment Law:
For Employers
We advise management in all aspects of employment law and labour relations, in both unionized and non-unionized settings.
Are you an Employer? Read more hereDisability Law
Our team can help you take the fight to the insurance company if your Long-term Disability claim is denied.
Find out how we can make a differencePersonal Injury Law
Our personal injury lawyers represents people injured outside the workplace across the province.
Learn About Your Rights When InjuredKnowledge Centre
Knowledge is power. Discover your workplace and disability rights and how to enforce them by using our popular interactive tools, reviewing our various educational TV and radio programs, and reading our blog.Law Essentials
We have created a list of topics that cover employment law, disability law and personal injury law in Ontario, British Columbia and Alberta. Find out more about your rights, why they are vital, and how we can enforce them.
Access Your Law EssentialsSeverance Pay Calculator
The accurate, anonymous and free severance pay calculator tool that has been used by nearly 2 million Canadians to calculate their possible severance package in Ontario, Alberta and B.C.
Use the Severance Pay CalculatorThe Employment Law Show
Common myths about terminations | Employment Law Show TV – S7 E18
COMMON MYTHS ABOUT TERMINATIONS, forced into a new role, put on probation, and more on Season 7 Episode 18 of the Employment…
Disability Law Show
3 Frequently Asked Disability Rights Questions | Disability Law Show TV – S6 E02
3 FREQUENTLY ASKED DISABILITY RIGHTS QUESTIONS on Season 6 Episode 02 of the Disability Law Show with disability lawyer and Partner Tamar…
Layoffs in Canada (2024)
Understand layoffs in Canada, your rights, and severance pay. Monthly layoff updates and expert legal advice from Samfiru Tumarkin LLP.
Samfiru Tumarkin LLP’s support for Israel and peace
At Samfiru Tumarkin LLP, we are profoundly disturbed and saddened by the tragic events that have befallen Israel.
Fiera Foods and Temporary Worker Rights: Newstalk 1010 Interviews Lawyer
Employment lawyer Stan Fainzilberg joins Jim Richards on Newstalk1010 to discuss the implications of the lawsuit against Fiera Foods and temp agencies.
Eli Lilly acquires Point Biopharma for $1.4B: Employee rights
Lilly is purchasing Point Biopharma Global, including its Toronto facility, for $1.4 billion to expand its cancer therapy offerings.
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