WE WILL HELP YOU RESOLVE YOUR WORKPLACE ISSUES, AND GET YOU THE COMPENSATION YOU DESERVE. If you are wrongfully dismissed from your job or denied disability in Ontario, our Ottawa employment lawyers will enforce your rights. In just over a decade, our team has provided over 20,000 individuals with cost-effective solutions.
Where To Find Us in Ottawa
Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
116 Albert Street, Suite 300
Ottawa, ON K1P 5G3
Get Directions
How Our Employment Lawyers Can Help
Whether you have been let go from your job or denied a long term disability claim, our employment law firm can help you get what you're owed so you can live your life. Our skilled lawyers are highly regarded for their sound and practical advice.
Labour & Employment Law:
For Employees
We help employees with severance pay, wrongful dismissal, harassment, constructive dismissal, disability, layoffs and more.
Are you an Employee? Get help here
Labour & Employment Law:
For Employers
We advise management in all aspects of employment law and labour relations, in both unionized and non-unionized settings.
Are you an Employer? Read more herePersonal Injury Law
Our personal injury lawyers represents people injured outside the workplace across the province.
Learn About Your Rights When InjuredDisability Law
Our team can help you take the fight to the insurance company if your Long-term Disability claim is denied.
Find out how we can make a differenceKnowledge Centre
Learn more about your workplace rights, and how our employment lawyers can help you. Use our popular interactive tools, catch up on our various Ottawa TV and radio programs, and read about the latest developments on our blog.Pocket Employment Lawyer
Before you call an Ottawa employment lawyer, get answers to your employment law questions. Use our interactive tool to find out if your rights have been breached, and what your options are.
Use the Pocket Employment LawyerSeverance Pay Calculator
Is your severance package fair? Find out by using our free Ontario Severance Pay Calculator. Over one million individuals have used our accurate and anonymous interactive tool.
Use the Severance Pay CalculatorThe Employment Law Show

What to know about wrongful dismissals | Employment Law Show TV – S8 E18
WHAT TO KNOW ABOUT WRONGFUL DISMISSALS, a schedule change after maternity leave, employee rights when a company is sold and more on…

‘Coffee badging’ and employee rights: Alex Lucifero with CTV News
Employment lawyer Alex Lucifero joined CTV News Ottawa to "coffee badging" and employee rights.
Disability Law Show

Guide to disability benefit denials | Disability Law Show TV – S6 E16
GUIDE TO DISABILITY BENEFIT DENIALS on Season 6 Episode 16 of the Disability Law Show with a disability lawyer, national practice leader…