Disability/Personal Injury

Sun Life reinstates disability coverage after legal intervention – Global News

sandra bullock, sun life

Sandra Bullock’s LTD benefits restored after legal victory

In a significant victory for our client, major Canadian insurance company Sun Life Financial has reinstated long-term disability coverage to Sandra Bullock, a resident of Georgetown, Ontario. This decision comes after a report by Global News brought public attention to the case, and underlines the firm’s commitment to defending the rights of individuals against large insurers.

Background of the case

Sandra Bullock, who previously held an administrative position in downtown Toronto, had her long-term disability benefits denied by Sun Life Financial. The insurance company claimed that if Bullock was capable of caring for her severely developmentally delayed son, Jacob, she should also be capable of returning to work. This was despite medical professionals affirming that Bullock was unfit for work due to her major depressive disorder, anxiety, and recurring migraines.

Strategic legal intervention

The turning point in Bullock’s case came when she engaged James K. Fireman, a partner at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP. Fireman filed a $5.3-million legal claim against Sun Life, challenging their decision to stop the disability payments. The claim highlighted not just a disregard for medical opinion by Sun Life but also a misinterpretation of Bullock’s caregiving activities as an indicator of her ability to work in a high-pressure office environment.

Public exposure and positive outcomes

Global News investigation into Bullock’s plight played a crucial role in advancing the case. This public scrutiny, combined with the robust legal challenge posed by Samfiru Tumarkin LLP, prompted Sun Life to reassess their initial decision.

Resolution and reinstatement of benefits

After a period of review, Sun Life reinstated Bullock’s long-term disability benefits. The firm’s effective advocacy ensured that Sandra’s case was not just another number but a priority for Sun Life, leading to a resolution that reinstated her much-needed benefits.

Implications for long-term disability recipients

This outcome serves as a testament to the dedication of Samfiru Tumarkin LLP to uphold the rights of individuals against powerful entities. James K. Fireman’s remarks on the case underscored the disparity often faced by individuals when dealing with large insurers and the crucial role of legal representation in leveling the playing field.

Key takeaway

Samfiru Tumarkin LLP is proud of its role in advocating for Sandra Bullock’s rights and remains committed to ensuring that all clients across Canada receive the fair treatment they deserve under the law.

Find out more about what to do if Sun Life denies your LTD claim, and discover how we helped an Ontario teacher win her benefits following her harrowing classroom experience.

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