List of federally regulated companies in Canada (2025)

What is a federally regulated company?
A federally regulated company is a business that is governed by Canada’s federal laws. These laws are collectively called the Canada Labour Code (CLC), enacted by the Constitution Act, 1867. The CLC establishes basic rights and responsibilities for employees and employers, including wages, health and safety laws, and statutory holidays.
How many employees are federally regulated?
Only about 6% of workers in Canada are federally regulated.
While various industries are federally regulated (including banks, airports, broadcasters, fisheries, and interprovincial/international transportation), most employees in Canada work for provincially regulated businesses; they are ultimately governed by legislation administered by the province they work in.
• Federal holiday for Queen Elizabeth II Funeral
• Paid sick days for federally regulated employees
List of federally regulated companies and employers
While no level of government keeps an official list of federally regulated employers, certain departments within the federal government keep lists of large employers that fall under this designation.
For instance, the Legislated Employment Equity Program (the LEEP) generates an annual list of all federally regulated companies that boast over 100 employees.
Here is the latest list of businesses that fall under the federally regulated category:
- A.J. Bus Lines Ltd.
- A.S.P. Incorporated
- Aboriginal Peoples Television Network
- Acadia Broadcasting Limited
- Access Communications Co-operative Limited
- Accessible Media Inc.
- Acklands – Grainger Inc.
- ADM Agri-Industries Ltd.
- Administration portuaire de Montréal
- Aéroport de Québec Inc.
- Aéroports de Montréal
- Aevitas Inc.
- Agrifoods International Cooperative Ltd.
- Agri-Marché Inc.
- Agris Co-operative Ltd.
- Air Canada
- Air Canada Rouge LP
- Air Creebec Inc.
- Air Inuit Ltd/Ltée
- Air North Charter & Training Ltd.
- Air Tindi Ltd
- Air Transat Inc.
- Airbus Helicopters Canada Limited
- Airport Terminal Services Canadian Co.
- AirSprint Inc.
- AJW Technique Inc.
- Algoma Central Corporation
- All-Can Express
- Alliance Pulse Processors
- Allstream Business Inc.
- Alpine Aerotech LP
- Alpine Helicopters Inc.
- American Airlines, Inc.
- Amex Bank of Canada
- Andy Transport Inc.
- Apex Motor Express Inc.
- Apps Cargo Terminals Inc.
- Aptum Technologies (Canada) Inc.
- Ardent Mills Armour Transport Inc.
- Arnold Bros. Transport Ltd.
- ASL Distribution Services Ltd.
- Association des employeurs maritimes
- AT&T Global Services Canada Co.
- Atco Structures & Logistics
- ATI Telecom International Co.
- Atlantic Towing Limited
- ATS Andlauer Transportation Services LP
- ATS Services Ltd.
- Autobus Campeau Inc.
- Autobus Idéal Inc.
- Avianor Inc.
- Avmax Group Inc.
- Ayr Motor Express Inc.
- B&R Eckel’s Transport Ltd.
- B2B Bank
- Badder Bus Operations, Limited
- Bandstra Transportation Systems Ltd
- Bank of America National Association, Canada Branch
- Bank of Canada
- Bank of China (Canada)
- Bank of Montreal
- Bank of New York Mellon
- Banque Laurentienne du Canada
- Banque Nationale du Canada
- Barclays Bank PLC, Canada Branch
- Bay Ferries Limited
- Bell Canada
- Bell Solutions Techniques
- Big Freight Systems Inc.
- Bison Transport Inc.
- Blackburn Radio Inc.
- Blue Ant Media Inc.
- BNP Paribas
- Bradley Air Services
- Bragg Communications
- Brett-Young Seeds Limited Partnership
- Brian Kurtz Trucking Ltd.
- Bridgewater Bank
- Brink’s Canada Limited
- British Columbia Maritime Employers Association
- Bruce Power LP
- Business Development Bank of Canada
- BWXT Nuclear Energy Canada Inc. / BWXT Medical Ltd.
- C.A.T. Inc.
- Caisse Populaire Acadienne Ltee.
- Calm Air International LP
- Cameco Corporation
- Cam-Scott Transport Ltd.
- Canada Cartage System Limited Partnership
- Canada Council for the Arts
- Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation
- Canada Malting Company LTD.
- Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
- Canada Pension Plan Investment Board
- Canada Post Corporation
- Canadian Air Transport Security Authority
- Canadian Broadcasting Corporation / Société Radio-Canada
- Canadian Commercial Corporation
- Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
- Canadian Light Source Inc.
- Canadian Museum for Human Rights
- Canadian Museum of History
- Canadian Museum of Nature
- Canadian National Railway Company
- Canadian North Inc.
- Canadian Nuclear Laboratories
- Canadian Pacific Railway Company
- Canadian Payments Association
- Canadian Tire Bank
- Canadian Western Bank
- Cancrew Enterprises Ltd.
- Candu Energy Inc.
- Canlink Aviation Inc.
- Canpar Express Inc.
- Can-West Corporate Air Charters Ltd.
- Capital One Bank (Canada Branch)
- Cardinal Couriers Ltd.
- Cargair Ltd.
- Cargill Limited
- Cargo Airport Services Canada Inc.
- CargoJet Airways Ltd.
- Cariboo Central Railroad Contracting Ltd.
- Caron Transportation Systems Partnership
- Cascade Aerospace Inc.
- Cascade Carriers L.P.
- Cascade Energy Services LP
- Cassens Transport ULC
- Cassidy’s Transfer & Storage Ltd.
- Cathay Pacific Airways Limited
- Cavalier Transportation Services Inc.
- Central Mountain Air Ltd.
- CEVA Freight Canada Corp.
- CEVA Logistics Canada, ULC
- Challenger Motor Freight Inc.
- Chartright Air Inc.
- CHC Helicopter Group of Companies
- Chemin de fer QNS&L
- China Construction Bank
- Cidel Bank Canada
- Citco Bank Canada
- Citibank Canada
- City of Ottawa (Formerly OC Transpo)
- Clean Harbors Canada Inc.
- Coach Atlantic Transportation Group Inc.
- Coast Capital Savings Federal Credit Union
- Coastal Pacific Xpress Inc.
- Cogeco Connexion Inc.
- Cogeco Média Acquisitions Inc.
- Colispro Inc.
- Comerica Bank
- Commercial Logistics Inc.
- Comwave Networks Inc.
- Conair Group, Inc.
- Concentra Bank Connors Transfer Limited
- Consolidated Fastfrate Inc.
- Contrans Corp.
- Cooney Group Inc.
- Corporation des Pilotes du Saint-Laurent Central Inc.
- Corporation du Fort St-Jean
- Corus Entertainment Inc.
- Cougar Helicopters Inc.
- Coulson Aircrane Ltd.
- Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank (Canada Branch)
- Credit Suisse AG, Toronto Branch
- CS Alterna Bank
- CTBC Bank Corp. (Canada)
- CWS Logistics Ltd.
- D&W Forwarders Inc.
- D.C.T. Chambers Trucking Ltd.
- Day & Ross Inc.
- Defence Construction (1951) Ltd.
- Delta Air Lines, Inc.
- Déménagements Tremblay Express Ltée.
- Denny Bus Lines Ltd.
- Desgagnés Marine Cargo Inc.
- Deutsche Bank AG
- DHL Express (Canada), Ltd.
- Digital Commerce Bank
- Direct Limited Partnership
- Distributel Communications Limited
- DP World (Canada) Inc
- DP World Fraser Surrey Limited Partnership
- DP World Prince Rupert Inc.
- Dufferin Communications Inc.
- Eagle Copters Maintenance Ltd.
- Earl Paddock Transportation
- Eassons Transport Ltd
- Ebox Inc.
- Edmonton Regional Airports Authority
- Elgin Motor Freight Inc.
- Enbridge Employee Services Canada Inc.
- Envoy Air Inc.
- Equitable Bank
- Erb Enterprises Inc.
- Exchange Bank of Canada
- Execaire, a division of IMP Group
- Execulink Telecom Inc.
- Executive Flight Centre Fuel Services Ltd.
- Expertech Network Installation Inc./Expertech Bâtisseur de reseaux Inc
- Exploits Valley Air Services Ltd.
- Export Development Canada Express Logan Inc.
- Fairchild Radio Group Ltd.
- Fairchild Television Ltd.
- Fairstone Bank of Canada
- Farm Credit Canada Fast Trucking Services Ltd.
- Federal Express Canada Corporation
- Fedex Freight Canada Corp.
- FedEx Ground Package System, Ltd.
- Fednav Limited
- Fibrenoire Inc.
- Field Aviation Company Inc.
- Fifth Third Bank, National Association
- First Canada ULC
- First Commercial Bank
- First Nations Bank of Canada
- First Team Transport Inc.
- Flair Airlines Ltd.
- Floradale Feed Mill Limited
- Flying Colours Corporation
- Forbes Hewlet Transport Inc.
- Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation
- G. Zavitz Limited
- G3 Canada Limited
- Gardewine Group Limited Partnership
- GCT Canada Limited Partnership
- General Bank of Canada
- Geo.A.Hall Inc.
- Gestion Tforce Inc.
- Gilbert M. Rioux et Fils Ltée.
- GLS Logistics Systems Canada Ltd
- Golden West Broadcasting Ltd.
- Grace Transport Inc.
- Grain Millers Canada Corp.
- Great Canadian Railtour Company
- Greater Toronto Airports Authority
- Greyhound Canada Transportation Corp.
- Grimshaw Trucking L.P.
- Groupe Galland
- Groupe Guilbault Ltée
- Groupe Maskatel LP
- Groupe Robert
- Groupe Stingray Inc.
- Groupe Transport Morneau Inc.
- Groupe Transteck Inc.
- Groupe TVA Inc.
- Groupe Tyt Inc.
- Groupe V Média
- Habib Canadian Bank
- Halifax Employers Association
- Halifax International Airport Authority
- Hallcon Crew Transport Inc.
- Hammond Transportation
- Hapag-Lloyd (Canada) Inc
- Harbour Air Terminal Services Ltd.
- Harvard Broadcasting Inc.
- Haventree Bank
- Heavy Crude Hauling
- Hélicoptères Canadiens Limitée/Canadian Helicopters Limited
- Helijet International Inc.
- Hensall District Co-operative Inc.
- Highland Moving and Storage Ltd.
- Highlight Motor Freight Inc.
- Hi-Way 9 Express Ltd.
- Home Bank
- HomeEquity Bank
- HSBC Bank Canada
- Hudbay Minerals Inc.
- Hudson Bay Railway Company
- Hutton Transport Limited
- ICICI Bank Canada
- Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Canada)
- Information Communication Services
- Inmarsat Solutions (Canada) Inc.
- Innotech Aviation, a division of IMP Group Ltd.
- Innovation Federal Credit Union
- Instech Télécommunication Inc.
- Intek Communications Inc.
- Intelcom Courrier Canada Inc.
- International Air Transport Association
- International Development Research Centre
- International Truckload Services Inc.
- Iron Range Bus Lines Inc.
- Island Tug and Barge Ltd.
- J & R Hall Transport Inc.
- J. & T. Murphy Limited
- J.P. Morgan Bank Canada
- Jack Cooper Canada 1 Inc.
- Jade Transport Ltd.
- Jay’s Transportation Group Ltd.
- Jazz Aviation L.P.
- Jervis B. Webb Company of Canada, Ltd.
- Jet Transport Ltd.
- Jim Pattison Industries Ltd.
- Jobs Training Centre Inc.
- Jones Feed Mills Limited
- JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.
- KEB Hana Bank Canada
- Keewatin Air LP
- Kelowna Flightcraft Group of Companies
- Kelsey Trail Trucking Ltd.
- Keltic Transportation Incorporated
- Kenn Borek Air Ltd.
- Keystone Western Inc.
- Kindersley Transport Ltd.
- Kleysen Group Ltd.
- Kriska Holdings Ltd.
- Kunkel Bus Lines Ltd.
- L. Bilodeau et Fils ltée
- L. Hansen’s Forwarding Ltd.
- L. Simard Transport Ltée
- L3 Technologies MAS inc
- Lakehead Freightways Inc.
- Laurentian Bank of Canada
- Le Groupe de Sécurité Garda Inc
- Le Groupe Océan Inc.
- Ledcor Industries Inc.
- Les Distributions Carl Beaulac Inc.
- Les Investissements Nolinor Inc.
- Les Services Jag Inc.
- Linamar Transportation Inc.
- Link-on Communications Inc.
- Lockheed Martin Commercial Engine Solutions
- Logistec Arrimage
- Longview Aviation Services Inc.
- Louis Dreyfus Company Canada ULC
- Lower Lakes Towing Ltd.
- M&T Bank
- Mackie Moving Systems Corporation
- Maersk Supply Service Canada Ltd.
- Manulife Bank of Canada
- Marine Atlantic Inc.
- Maritime Broadcasting System Limited
- Masterfeeds Inc.
- MBW Courier Inc.
- McClay Group Ltd.
- McKeil Marine Limited
- McKevitt Trucking Limited
- MCL McGill Carriers Ltd.
- Mediterranean Shipping Company (Canada) Inc.
- Mega International Commercial Bank Co., Ltd.
- Menzies Aviation (Canada) Ltd.
- Midland Transport Limited
- Minimax Express Transportation Inc.
- Mizuho Bank, Ltd.
- Montreal Gateway Terminals Partnership
- Montship Inc.
- Morningstar Air Express Inc.
- Motus Bank
- MTU Maintenance Canada
- MUFG Bank, Ltd., Canada Branch
- Mullen Oilfield Services L.P.
- Mullen Trucking Corp.
- Multiboard Communications Inc.
- Mustang Freightways Ltd.
- My Broadcasting Corporation
- National Arts Centre Corporation
- National Capital Commission
- National Gallery of Canada
- National Museum of Science and Technology
- Natixis Canada Branch
- Nav Canada
- Navigation Madeleine Inc.
- Neptune Bulk Terminals (Canada) Ltd.
- New Hope Transport Ltd.
- New Way Trucking Ltd
- New-Life Mills, a Division of Parrish & Heimbecker, Limited
- Nordion (Canada) Inc.
- Normandin Transit Inc.
- North Cariboo Flying Services Ltd.
- North Star Air Ltd.
- Northern Communications Services Inc.
- Northern Mat & Bridge Limited Partnership
- Northern Trust Company, Canada Branch
- Northumberland Ferries Limited
- Northwestel Inc.
- Nuclear Waste Management Organization
- Oceanex Inc.
- Oculus Transport Ltd.
- Office d’investissement des régimes de pensions du secteur public
- Offshore Recruiting Services Inc.
- Olymel S.E.C.
- Ontario Northland Transportation Commission
- Ontario Potato Dist. (Alliston) Inc. 1991
- Ontario Power Generation
- Orano Canada Inc.
- Ornge Global Air Inc.
- Ottawa Macdonald-Cartier International Airport Authority
- Ottaway
- P&H Milling, a division of Parrish & Heimbecker
- Pacific Coastal Airlines Ltd.
- Papineau Int. S.E.C. (Transport Papineau International)
- Parrish & Heimbecker, Limited
- Paterson GlobalFoods Inc.
- Paul’s Hauling Ltd.
- Pelmorex Corp.
- Pembina Pipeline Corporation
- Penske Logistics LLC
- Peoples Bank of Canada
- Peraton Canada Corp.
- Perimeter Aviation LP
- Pioneer Hi-Bred Production Company
- Plains Midstream Canada
- PNC Bank Canada Branch
- Polaris Transport Carriers Inc.
- Pole Star Transport Incorporated
- Polymer Distribution Inc.
- Portage Transport Inc.
- Porter Airlines Inc.
- Premier Aviation Quebec inc.
- President’s Choice Bank
- Pride Group Logistics Ltd.
- Primus Management ULC.
- Prince Rupert Grain Ltd.
- Provincial Aerospace Ltd.
- Purolator Inc.
- Q-Line Trucking
- Quik X Transportation Inc.
- Rabobank Canada
- Radio-Onde
- Ramkey Communications Inc.
- Rawlco Radio Ltd.
- Raytheon Canada Limited (The North Warning System)
- Remorquage St-Michel Inc.
- RFA Bank of Canada
- Richardson International Limited
- Ridley Terminals Inc.
- Rio Tinto Alcan, Installations Portuaires
- RNC Media Inc.
- Rogers Bank
- Rogers Communications Inc.
- Rogers Foods Ltd.
- Rosedale Transport Limited
- Rosenau Transport Ltd.
- Roxborough Bus Lines Limited
- Royal Bank of Canada
- Ryder Truck Rental Canada Ltd.
- S.G.T. 2000 Inc.
- Safeco Driver Services Inc.
- Sander Geophysics Limited
- Sanimax EEI Inc.
- SBI Canada Bank
- Scamp Transport Ltd.
- Schneider National Carriers Canada
- Scoular Canada Ltd.
- Seaboard Liquid Carriers Limited
- Searcy Trucking Ltd.
- Seaspan ULC
- Secunda Canada LP
- Securiguard Services Ltd.
- Securitas Transport Aviation Security Ltd.
- Sentrex Communications Co.
- Serco Canada Inc.
- Service Trans-West Inc.
- Services d’aéronefs AAR Trois-Rivières – ULC
- Shaw Communications Inc.
- Sheffield Moving & Storage Inc.
- Shinhan Bank Canada
- Sirius XM Canada Inc.
- Skelton Truck Lines Ltd.
- Sky Regional Airlines
- Skyservice Aviation Inc. and Sky Service F.B.O. Inc.
- Société Air France
- Société de transport de l’Outaouais
- Société du Vieux-Port de Montréal inc.
- Société Générale (Canada Branch)
- Sogetel inc.
- Sollio Agriculture
- Spearing Service L.P
- Speedy Transport Group Inc.
- St. John’s International Airport Authority
- Standard Aero Ltd.
- Standards Council of Canada
- State Street
- Steve’s Livestock Transportation (Blumenort) Ltd
- Stingray Radio Inc.
- Strategic Aviation Services Ltd.
- Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, Canada Branch
- Sunbury Transport Limited
- Sunwest Aviation Ltd.
- Sunwing Airlines Inc.
- Sutco Contracting Ltd.
- Sylvite Agri-Services Ltd.
- Symcor Inc.
- Syndicate Transport Ltd.
- Systèmes Danfreight inc.
- Systemex Communications (S.C.) Inc.
- Tangerine Bank
- Tata Communications (Canada) Ltd.
- TBayTel
- Tecnickrome Aeronautique Inc.
- TeeKay Shipping (Canada) Ltd.
- TekSavvy Solutions Inc.
- Téléfilm Canada
- Telesat Canada
- TELUS Communications Company
- Tenold Transportation LP
- TeraGo Networks Inc.
- Tforce Final Mile Canada Inc.
- The Andersons Canada Limited
- The Bank of Nova Scotia
- The Calgary Airport Authority
- The CSL Group Inc.
- The Jacques Cartier and Champlain Bridges Incorporated
- The Royal Canadian Mint
- The St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation
- The Toronto Terminals Railway Company Limited
- The Toronto-Dominion Bank
- Theratronics International Limited
- Thunder Airlines Limited
- Tier2 Technologist LTD
- Titanium Transportation Group Inc.
- Top Aces Inc.
- Toronto Port Authority
- Trailwood Transport Ltd.
- Trans Mountain Canada Inc.
- TransCanada Pipelines Limited
- Trans-Frt. McNamara Inc.
- Transit Windsor
- Trans-Northern Pipeline Inc.
- Transport A. Laberge & Fils Inc.
- Transport Bernières inc. (groupe Bernières)
- Transport Bourret Inc.
- Transport Couture
- Transport Gaston Nadeau Inc.
- Transport Gilmyr inc
- Transport Grayson Inc.
- Transport Guilbault Inc.
- Transport Guy Bourassa Inc.
- Transport Hervé Lemieux (1975) Inc.
- Transport Inter-Nord Inc.
- Transport Jacques Auger Inc.
- Transport Jocelyn Bourdeau Inc.
- Transport Laurentien Ltd.
- Transport Lyon Inc.
- Transport TFI 1, SEC
- Transport TFI 15 S.E.C. (Transport Grégoire)
- Transport TFI 16 SEC
- Transport TFI 22, S.E.C.
- Transport TFI 4 SEC
- Transport TFI 6 S.E.C. (Transport Besner)
- Transport Transbo Inc.
- Trans-Sol Aviation Service
- TransX Ltd.
- Trappers Transport Ltd.
- Travelers Transportation Services Inc.
- Trentway-Wagar Inc.
- Trimac Transportation Services Inc.
- Trouw Nutrition Canada Inc.
- Troyer Ventures Ltd.
- TST Solutions L.P.
- U.S. Bank National Association
- UBS Bank (Canada)
- United Overseas Bank Limited
- Universal Coach Line Ltd.
- UPS Canada
- Urgence Marine Inc.
- V.A. Inc.
- V.D.M. Trucking Service Ltd.
- V.T.L. Express Inc.
- Vancity Community Investment Bank
- Vancouver Airport Authority
- Vancouver Fraser Port Authority
- Van-Kam Freightways Ltd.
- Vedder Transport Ltd.
- Verreault Navigation inc.
- VersaBank
- Verspeeten Cartage Ltd.
- Via Rail Canada Inc.
- Vianet Inc.
- Vidéotron ltée
- Viking Air Limited
- Vista Radio Ltd.
- Viterra Inc.
- Voyageur Aviation Corp.
- Wallenstein Feed & Supply Ltd.
- Walmart Fleet ULC
- Warren Gibson Limited
- Wasaya Airways Limited Partnership
- Wealth One Bank of Canada
- Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, Canadian Branch
- West Wind Aviation LP
- Westcan Bulk Transport Ltd.
- Westcoast Energy Inc.
- Western Canada Marine Response Corporation
- Western Logistics Inc.
- Western Stevedoring Company Limited
- WestJet, an Alberta Partnership
- Westman Media Cooperative Ltd.
- Westower Communications Ltd.
- Westshore Terminals Limited Partnership
- Wills Transfer Limited
- Wilson’s Transportation Ltd.
- Windsor Detroit Bridge Authority – Autorité du pont Windsor-Détroit
- Wirecomm Systems (2008), Inc.
- XPO Logistics Freight Canada, Inc.
- XTL Transport Inc
- Yellowhead Helicopters Ltd.
- YRC Freight Canada Company
- YWG Inc.
- Zayo Canada Inc.
Employment lawyers for federally regulated employees
If you work for a federally regulated company in Canada and are experiencing employment issues, contact Samfiru Tumarkin LLP immediately. Our team of experienced employment lawyers have represented thousands of clients employed by federally regulated businesses.
Before accepting changes to your job or signing off on a severance package following termination, get the advice you need. Our employment lawyers can enforce your workplace rights, and secure a full severance package. Severance pay for federally regulated workers isn’t just a few days or weeks of pay – it can be as much as 24 months’ pay.
Call our team today at 1-855-821-5900 or fill out an online form to receive a fast callback. You can also use our interactive Pocket Employment Lawyer tool to get quick answers to common employment law questions.