
Situational v. Generalized Conditions in Long Term Disability Claims | Disability Law Show S3 E2
What is the difference between situational and generalized conditions in regard to LTD claims? This answer and more on the Disability Law…

3 Common “Excuses” Insurers will use to deny your LTD claim | Disability Law Show S3 E1
Three Common “Excuses” Insurers Use to Deny Long Term Disability Claims and more on the Disability Law Show.

3 Reasons to Hire Samfiru Tumarkin LLP to Fight for your LTD – Disability Law Show S2 E29
Why should you hire Samfiru Tumarkin LLP to fight for your long term disability claim? Discover your disability insurance rights during COVID-19…

3 Tactics LTD Insurers Sometimes Use to Make You Give Up the Benefits They Owe You – Disability Law Show S2 E28
What three tactics do long-term disability insurers use to make you give up your benefits? Find out the answers to this and…

What Insurers Mean When They Say These 3 Things to You – Disability Law Show S2 E27
What insurers mean when they say these 3 things to you, and can your insurer cut off your insurance without warning? Find…

What You Should Know About Your Disability Lawyer BEFORE You Hire Them – Disability Law Show S2 E26
What 3 things should you find out about a disability lawyer before you hire them? Can your insurer force you to take…

3 Excuses Insurance Companies Give for Denying COVID-19 Related Claims – Disability Law Show S2 E25
Find out what excuses insurance companies are giving for denying COVID-19 related claims and more on this episode of the Disability Law…

3 things you need to know if your long-term disability insurer is pressuring you to go back to work – Disability Law Show S2 E24
The 3 things you need to know if your long-term disability insurer is pressuring you to go back to work. Find out…

What does your doctor need to write in a letter to help you get approved for long term disability – Disability Law Show S2 E23
What does your doctor need to write in a letter to help you get approved for long-term disability? Find out the answer…