Disability Law Show TV – S2 E5

The top 3 advantages of having a disability lawyer on your side, what you should do if your insurer disagrees with your doctor’s opinion, and how to move forward with your claim when your appeal has been denied. Find out all this and more on Season 2 Episode 5 of the Disability Law Show on Global TV with disability lawyers Sivan Tumarkin. Discover your rights if the insurance company denies your long term disability claim. The only program in Canada dedicated to long-term disability.
►00:52 – The Week That Was
► 06:10 – Email from Help@disabilityrights.ca I’m 45 and have been on LTD for over a year for chronic fatigue and numbness in my legs. I worked for 10 years as a real-estate agent and have a private long term disability policy. Now the insurance company says that my disability is not serious enough for me to be off work, but both my family doctor and my neurologist are doing tests and say that I can’t go back. The insurance company says that my payments will be stopped by spring. This is extremely stressful. What should I do?
►09:55 – The TOP 3 Advantages Of Having A Disability Lawyer Representing You:
- 10:01 – We take over all communications with your insurer
- 12:53 – We know what legal pressure points we can apply to force insurers to pay you what you are owed
- 15:15 – We can force your insurer to disclose everything they have in relation to your file
► 19:00 – http://www.mydisabilityquestions.com – My husband was approved for short term disability for a heart condition that makes it impossible for him to exert any effort. His cardiologist wrote that he can’t do his occupation. He is an aeroplane mechanic. Last week we got a letter from his LTD insurer saying that they don’t think he is disabled from working. This was our second appeal, we already submitted letters from the cardiologist and family doctor. We’re not sure how to proceed. How can we get financial assistance?
► 23:40 – Help@disabilityrights.ca – I’ve been on long term disability for almost 2 years now for severe Rheumatoid Arthritis. My case manager at the insurance company says that I should be able to return to work and my insurance will be cut off. My doctor and specialist both say that I cannot because of the seriousness of my condition. I’m 52 years old and I’m afraid that I won’t have any income when the insurance company cuts me off. Should I appeal this decision? What should I do?
► 26:30 http://www.mydisabilityquestions.com – My brother’s long-term disability claim was rejected, the insurance adjuster said he isn’t totally disabled. He is 32 and a licensed electrician. He had an accident at the cottage, he almost drowned and suffered brain damage. He lives with me and my wife because he can’t live on his own anymore. We are appealing his denial with the help of his neuropsychiatrist who thinks that the insurer wrong and that he is unable to work. Is there anything else we can do about his denial?
Next Episode: Disability Law Show S2 E6 – Top 5 Myths About Long Term Disability
Previous Episode: Disability Law Show S2 E4 – Top 5 Most Common Reasons From Insurers For Denying Insurance Claims
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