Disability Law Show TV – S2 E4

The 5 most common reasons from insurers for denying claims, how to deal with an aggressive claims adjuster, and how to prove your disability to the insurance company. Find out the answers and more on Season 2 Episode 4 of the Disability Law Show on Global TV with disability lawyers Sivan Tumarkin and James K. Fireman. Discover your rights if the insurance company denies your long term disability claim. The only program in Canada dedicated to long term disability.
► 00:40 – The Week That Was
► 03:45 – Caller from The Disability Law Show: “On forms for disability insurance there is a question that asks if the condition is due to an injury or sickness arising from employment. Can you explain what happens if you check “yes”, “no”, or “unknown”?”
►07:35 – Top 5 Most Common Reasons From Insurers For Denying Insurance Claims:
- 07:47 – You can do another job
- 10:35 – There is no formal diagnosis for your disability
- 12:09 – Insufficient medical documents supporting your disability
- 13:55 – You are not “totally disabled”
- 17:00 – You don’t qualify because of a pre-existing condition
► 21:00 – http://www.mydisabilityquestions.com – My sister has been on disability for 6 months. She has a new insurance adjuster, and he has been very disrespectful to her and her doctor. He is now asking for more medical information, saying that what he currently has isn’t enough. My sister is afraid to ask for a different adjuster because she doesn’t want her payments to stop. Is there anything we can do?
► 25:40 – Help@disabilityrights.ca – My cousin was in an abusive relationship and has mental health issues as a result. She has been on disability for almost 2 years on the advice of her psychologist. Her insurance company says that she should be better by now with all the treatments she’s received and that they will be cutting her off in a few months. What can she do about this?
► 26:20 http://www.mydisabilityquestions.com – My husband was in a serious car accident. He lost his left arm and suffered multiple fractures. He worked as a contractor and hasn’t been able to work since the accident. He was approved for short-term disability but recently he was denied long-term disability because he wasn’t disabled enough. I don’t understand how the insurer doesn’t agree he has a disability. Should we appeal this decision? How can we show that he is disabled?
Next Episode: Disability Law Show S2 E5 – Advantages of having a disability lawyer
Previous Episode: Disability Law Show S2 E3 – 5 Weaknesses of Insurers
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