What are employee rights in a hybrid work model?


Interview Summary

Many employees across the province have returned to the office as vaccination rates increase and health restrictions lift. But can employees request to remain home or for a more flexible work model? Will employers be more willing to implement a hybrid-work arrangement?

Alex Lucifero, Managing Partner and Ottawa employment lawyer at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP joins CTV with Matt Skube to answer these questions and more.

Interview Notes

Are more employers considering a transition to a hybrid work model?

Many employers, particularly in office work, are trying to adopt a hybrid work arrangement. This is not possible for every industry, however, such as manufacturing or construction. Both employees and employers have seen great value in a hybrid work model.

What are some advantages to a hybrid work arrangement?

Employees have more flexibility in their day-to-day lives and can save time and money on commuting to work. Employers could also benefit financially from a hybrid work model as less office space would be required. As the pandemic is still ongoing, a hybrid work arrangement also allows for employers to more easily implement health and safety measures like social distancing.

What rights do employees have in terms of asking for a flexible work arrangement?

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Constructive Dismissal
Employee rights when returning to the office post-COVID-19

Employees can communicate their concerns and wishes with their employer but must remember the initial terms of their employment. Despite working remotely due to the pandemic, if an employee previously worked at the office, their employers are within their rights to request an employee’s return.

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