
In the News

COVID July 23rd, 2020

COVID-19: Workplace refusals and a declining hospitality sector

By Lior Samfiru

An employment lawyer discusses the ongoing concerns of workplace safety and unemployment in the hospitality industry with Ted Michaels on the Bill…

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COVID July 23rd, 2020

Has COVID-19 changed workplace safety policies permanently?

By Alex C. Lucifero

Employment lawyer Alex Lucifero joins Ottawa at Work's Graham Richardson to discuss changing safety regulations at work as a result of COVID-19.

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COVID July 22nd, 2020

Who will benefit from an extension to the CEWS Program?

By Jon Pinkus

The federal government of Canada is proposing an expansion to the CEWS program. Employment lawyer Jon Pinkus joins the Mike Farwell show…

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COVID July 22nd, 2020

Permanent to Part Time Employment Status – Pan Pacific Hotel Vancouver

By Lior Samfiru

Employment lawyer Lior Samfiru discusses the decision by Pan Pacific Hotel to change the status of their permanent staff to casual workers…

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COVID July 15th, 2020

Pandemic Employment Questions: What Next?

By Lior Samfiru

A Hamilton employment lawyer discusses ongoing concerns over employment rights amidst the pandemic with Bill Kelly on 900 CHML.

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COVID July 13th, 2020

Changes to Employment Law due to COVID-19

By Lior Samfiru

Toronto employment lawyer Lior Samfiru joins Roy Green to discuss the changes to employment law as a result of the coronavirus.

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COVID July 10th, 2020

Preparing to return to work with no access to childcare

By Alex C. Lucifero

Ottawa employment lawyer Alex Lucifero joins Leslie Roberts on Ottawa at Work to discuss the rights parents have with returning to work…

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A headshot of Toronto employment lawyer Lior Samfiru next to the logos for Samfiru Tumarkin LLP and radio station 640 Toronto.
COVID July 8th, 2020

What is considered grounds for dismissal post COVID-19?

By Lior Samfiru

Employment lawyer Lior Samfiru discusses what is grounds for dismissal from a workplace during and post COVID-19 with host John Oakley.

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prospera credit union
COVID July 7th, 2020

What can employers expect from their employees while working remotely?

By Alex C. Lucifero

With many employees still working from home, work responsibilities and childcare have proven to be an issue. Alex Lucifero joins Ottawa Now…

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