COVID-19: Early retirement during the pandemic


As COVID-19 continues and Canadians are more accustomed to the “new normal”, concerns of the changing workplace continue. Toronto employment lawyer and partner Lior Samfiru joins Kelly Cutrara on Global News to discuss issues such as severance packages, early retirement, and more.

What They Discussed

  • Are you entitled to the same amount of severance you would be normally during the pandemic? If you have lost your job as a result of the pandemic you are entitled to your full severance.
  • Are employers at a disadvantage in giving out severance payments as many are also struggling because of COVID-19? The law attempts to balance out the rights of employers and employees.
  • Will employers ensure contract agreements are iron clad in terms of severance due to the pandemic? Employers now comprehend how important the agreements will be in terms of surviving business.
  • If an employer asks an employee to return and they refuse, is this considered a resignation? While an employer has an obligation to implement safety measures, the employee is obliged to return if safety protocols have been met.
  • In what ways can an employer accommodate their employee at this time? Work hours can be changed slightly to help if an employee has no access to childcare, or allowing employees to work remotely.
  • If offered early retirement, is it more beneficial for an employee to accept? If an employee was close to retirement and the company is still in a position to offer a package, it would benefit the employee to accept what is offered as the financial status of the employer could change.

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