Alex Lucifero on COVID-19 long-haulers


Interview Summary

Many Canadians who tested positive for COVID-19 are still facing the effects of the virus months after they are considered negative, and are unable to work. What are their options? Can they claim disability benefits for an illness that is still so new?

Alex Lucifero, an Ottawa employment lawyer and Managing Partner at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP joins CTV News Ottawa to discuss COVID-19 long-haulers and their next steps.

Interview Notes

What can COVID-19 long-haulers do if they are unable to work?

Individuals who have suffered from COVID-19 should keep in contact with their doctor in order to show insurance that they are actively seeking treatment and want to be able to return to work. Employees who have been told to take a medical leave of absence by their doctor due to lingering symptoms should be approved for disability benefits.

How are insurance companies handling claims related to COVID-19?

Most insurance companies seem to be denying insurance claims that are related to COVID-19 as the virus is still relatively new. Insurance companies are more likely to deny ailments that are more difficult to prove, such as mental illnesses.

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Invisible Illness and Long-term Disability Claims

What do employers need to consider if an employee has long-term symptoms from COVID-19?

If employees are unable to work and have a doctor’s verification they are medically disabled, an employer has to allow those employees time off; employees cannot be penalized for taking a medical leave. Employers also have a duty to accommodate an employee with a medical condition or disability.

Laid Off Due to COVID-19?
Long-term Disability Claim Denied?

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