The Employment Law Show

When an Employment Lawyer Can Help | Employment Law Show TV – S3 E17

Episode Summary

SITUATIONS WHERE AN EMPLOYMENT LAWYER CAN HELP, what to do when you’ve been let go, handling changes to your job, and more on Season 3 Episode 17 of the Employment Law Show with employment lawyer Lior Samfiru, Partner at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP.

Watch above to discover your workplace rights and learn everything you need to know about employment law in Ontario, British Columbia and Alberta, on the only employment law show on both TV and radio in Canada.

Episode Notes

Employer ignoring sexual harassment at work

I am being sexually harassed at work by male coworkers. My employer is not taking proper steps to stop the incidents from happening. What are my rights?

Lior explains how to properly respond to harassment in the workplace.

Segment starts at 1:58

Government contract not renewed

I’ve been working as a contractor with a government organization for the last 15 years. I was always treated more like an employee. They just told me that they would not be renewing my contract. Do I have any recourse?

Lior discusses the difference between and employee and a contractor.

Segment starts at 5:30

Laid off following light duties

I was misdiagnosed with an epileptic seizure attack. My employer put me on light duties based on the diagnosis. Eventually, they told me that they no longer had to accommodate me, and I was being laid off due to a shortage of work. Am I owed severance?

This section deals with an employer’s duty to accommodate an employee’s medical condition.

Segment starts at 9:07

Situations When an Employment Lawyer Can Help

1️⃣ When you’ve been let go with cause or without cause

Segment starts at 11:05

2️⃣ When you’re dealing with workplace harassment

Segment starts at 12:07

3️⃣ When significant changes have been made to your job without your permission

Segment starts at 12:45

4️⃣ When an issue arises with a pregnancy or maternity leave

Segment starts at 13:45

5️⃣ When a disability issue is involved

Segment starts at 14:30

Severance Pay Calculator

Lior Samfiru explains how the Severance Pay Calculator works, and how it can help you determine the amount of severance pay you are owed upon termination in Ontario, British Columbia and Alberta.

You can find the Severance Pay Calculator here.

Segment starts at 16:53

Manager fired after fight with employee

I was let go without severance from my job as a sales manager after getting into a fight with an older member of my team. Am I owed anything? Can I get my job back?

Lior explains what your rights are in a termination without cause, and when it becomes a wrongful dismissal.

Segment starts at 18:16

Severance for tradespeople

I work in the trades (construction). I’ve never heard of anybody in my line of work getting a severance package. I didn’t know these rights existed.

Segment starts at 20:39

Severance packages for small business employees

I was laid off from an assembly line. I was told that I’m not owed severance pay because I worked for a small business for only a few years.

Lior discusses severance pay for non-unionized assembly workers.

Segment starts at 23:36

Yearly contract not renewed

I am signed to one-year contracts every year. A week before the end of the last contract, I was suddenly told it would not be renewed. Can they do that?

Segment starts at 26:05

Next Episode: Employment Law Show S3 E18 – Employee or Independent Contractor?

Previous Episode:  Employment Law Show S3 E16 – Wrongful Dismissal: Everything You Need To Know

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