Employer Not Allowed To… | Employment Law Show TV – S2 E4

The Employment Law Show with Canadian employment lawyer Lior Samfiru and co-host John Scholes. Discover your workplace rights and learn everything you need to know about employment law in Ontario and British Columbia on Season 2 Episode 4 of the only employment law show on TV in Canada (formerly known as Employment Hour in 30).
On this episode, we discuss what an employer is not allowed to do, dealing with workplace harassment, and more!
What We Covered
► 1:22 An employee was being harassed by his coworker, who was a “star employee”, both at the workplace and online outside of work hours. He complained to HR, but they ignored the complaint. What should the employee do to deal with this workplace harassment? Lior discusses his options, and why a Constructive Dismissal with severance might be appropriate.
► 4:10 My sister-in-law worked at a large bank for 18 years. She and four others were let go, without being offered any other positions, despite the fact that she is a great employee. What should she do?
► Your Employer is NOT Allowed To…
• 7:57 Your employer can’t change your Pay, Job Description, Hours of Work. Your employer cannot change the terms of your employment
• 9:55 Your employer can’t put you on a Probation Period after you already passed the probationary period
• 11:31 Your employer can’t refuse to pay your overtime if you actually worked extra hours
• 12:29 Your employer can’t make up a bogus negative performance review
• 14:15 Your employer can’t lay you off temporarily
► 15:59 The Severance Pay Calculator and why over 500,000 people have used it to discover their rights.
► 17:57 Severance Pay Calculator example: Seb worked 4 years at an autobody shop. After years of hard work and positive customer reviews, he made a minor mistake with a client’s vehicle. He was fired for cause, right on the spot. Did Seb’s boss make the right call? Is he owed anything?
► 20:09 I understand that severance pay changes when a company’s payroll is over $2.5 million, as opposed to under $2.5 million. Is that correct?
► 23:13 My mom has been working at a company for 15 years, Monday to Friday with some Saturdays. Her boss said everybody will soon have to start working staggered 12-hour shifts. This change will be too much, and is already taking a toll on her health.
► 25:04 Severance Pay Calculator example: 51-year-old in a sales job with 15 years of service.
► 27:21 My three-year contract expired a few months ago, however my employer kept me on until last week, when he fired me. When I asked if I would get two weeks’ severance pay, he said my contract declared that I wouldn’t get a penny after being let go. Are those contracts ironclad?
Next Episode: Employment Law Show S2 E5 – Maternity Leave: True or False
Previous Episode: Employment Law Show S2 E3 – Severance Rules Aren’t Different If…
Experiencing an Employment Issue?
Before you call a lawyer, use the Pocket Employment Lawyer to find out if you might have a case.
Use The Severance Pay Calculator to find out how much severance pay you may be owed upon termination.
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