The Employment Law Show

Severance Pay Rules for Different Jobs | Employment Law Show TV – S2 E3


The Employment Law Show with Canadian employment lawyer Lior Samfiru and co-host John Scholes. Discover your workplace rights and learn everything you need to know about employment law in Ontario and British Columbia on Season 2 Episode 3 of the only employment law show on TV in Canada (formerly known as Employment Hour in 30).

On this episode, we discuss severance pay rules for different jobs, what can you do if a new boss changes an agreement you made with an old boss, and more!

What We Covered

► 1:50 – A woman worked for a company for 15 years and was cleared to return to work on modified duties. The company said that they didn’t have those modified duties for her and left her in limbo. Lior highlights an employer’s duty to accommodate and what they should have done to help this lady return to work.

► 4:55 – A construction worker was fired after one year. He has not been given his Record of Employment, so he does not know why he was fired. He had been missing work due to a documented illness. What are his rights? Severance pay for construction workers in Canada.

► 5:51 – You cannot be let go because of a legitimate medical condition.

► 7:29 – Are Severance Pay Rules Different for Certain Jobs and Industries?

• 7:42 – What if you are employed in a federally regulated industry?
• 8:40 – What if you are employed in the construction industry?
• 9:40 – What if you are a part-time employee?
• 10:57 – What if you are misclassified as an independent contractor?
• 12:48 – What if you are employed by a small business owner (with a payroll under $2.5 million)?

► 14:47 – The Severance Pay Calculator and why over 500,000 people have used it to discover their rights.

► 16:44 – After 13 years at the same company, Anita worked her way up to HR Manager. When a new VP stepped into the workplace, Anika was fired just two weeks later! The VP said that she “didn’t align with the company’s new direction”. She was handed 11 weeks of severance pay. Was she owed any more than that?

► 19:06 – A caller to The Employment Hour radio show asked “When I was originally hired, I negotiated for things like the use of the company vehicle and my daily start time. I now have a new boss who is changing the agreement. Do I have to accept those changes?”

► 22:45 – Another caller from the “Employment Hour” radio show asked “I’ve been a teller at the same bank for 45 years. I’m in my 60’s, working part-time in a job that is becoming obsolete. My company told me there is no severance for part-timers. Is that true?”

► 24:54 – Angelo’s employer is threatening to fire him for cause if he doesn’t improve his sales performance at work. They want him to complete a performance improvement plan. Angelo feels that his sales are down because the prices are not competitive. What should he do?

► 26:55 – I have worked at a company for 20 years as a manager and now they’re telling me that I’ll be laid off, but only temporarily. They say I’ll be called back later this year. Is this in compliance with the Employment Standards Act?”

Next Episode: Employment Law Show S2 E4 – Your Employer Is Not Allowed…

Previous Episode: Employment Law Show S2 E2 – Most Common Employment Law Questions

Experiencing an Employment Issue?

Before you call a lawyer, use the Pocket Employment Lawyer to find out if you might have a case.

Use The Severance Pay Calculator to find out how much severance pay you may be owed upon termination.

Call 1-855-821-5900, email or fill out a contact form to get help now.

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