The Employment Law Show

Employment Law Show: Ontario – S11 E100

Employment lawyer Mackenzie Irwin's headshot, next to the Employment Law Show and Samfiru Tumarkin LLP logos. Mackenzie hosts the radio show in Toronto and London, Ontario

Episode Summary

Can employees be let go after filing harassment complaints? Employment Lawyer Mackenzie Irwin, an Associate at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP, answers this question and more on the Employment Law Show. 

LISTEN BELOW to Ontario’s premiere radio show about employment law and workplace rights featuring the province’s leading employment lawyers. You can hear the show live on Mondays to Thursdays at 640 Toronto and 980 CFPL in London at 6:30 p.m. ET, as the hosts take calls from listeners and provide vital answers to employees and employers. 

Listen to the Episode

Show Notes

  • Sales manager demoted in a contract: Employees should be wary of signing a new employment contract in the midst of their employment. Employment contracts can contain terminology limiting an employee’s rights and entitlements. Employers do not have the ability to impose major changes to an employee’s job without their consent. Employees should seek legal advice before signing any formal documentation.
  • Let go after filing harassment complaints: Employers have an obligation to investigate and resolve all complaints regarding bullying and harassment in the workplace.  Penalizing or terminating employees due to voicing complaints is considered a reprisal and is illegal. Employers could face additional damages if the matter is not resolved adequately.
  • Employers mislabel employees as independent contractors: It is very common for employers to mistakenly classify individuals as independent contractors, often in order to avoid paying vacation pay, and other entitlements. Dependent contractors and employees are owed severance pay upon termination.

Need an employment lawyer?

  • Pocket Employment Lawyer: Before you call a lawyer, use the Pocket Employment Lawyer to find out if you might have a case. 
  • Severance Pay Calculator: Discover how much severance pay you should get when you lose your job. Used successfully by nearly 2 million Canadians. 
  • Watch our TV Shows: Get further clarity on your rights by watching episodes of our popular TV show. 

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