Disability Law Show TV – S2 E2

The top five mistakes individuals commonly make when dealing with long-term disability insurers, what to do when the insurer thinks your disability isn’t serious enough, and can you still qualify for LTD if your employer terminates your position while you are on leave? Find out the answers and more on Season 2 Episode 2 of the Disability Law Show on Global TV with disability lawyer Sivan Tumarkin. Discover your rights if the insurance company denies your long term disability claim. The only program in Canada dedicated to long-term disability.
►00:54 – The Week That Was
► 05:50 – A caller from https://stlawyers.ca/disability-law-show – I was working for a trucking company for 12 years when I hurt my knee in an accident. I have been off collecting LTD the last two-and-a-half years. My doctor told me I won’t be able to go back to the job because I won’t be able to do it. My LTD expires March of next year. My employer doesn’t have light-duty jobs, and if I can’t physically do the work, he doesn’t want me back.
►11:31 – Top 5 Mistakes Individuals Make When Dealing with Long-term Disability Insurers:
- 11:37 – Assuming that the adjuster’s first priority is you
- 12:57 – Assuming that your insurer will take what your doctor says at face value
- 14:15 – Assuming that once you are approved for LTD there is nothing more to be concerned about
- 15:09 – Assuming that your insurance company is ALWAYS right
- 16:25 – Assuming that you are powerless against the insurance company
► 19:35 – http://www.mydisabilityquestions.com – My brother is a paramedic and has PTSD. His long-term disability claim was rejected by his insurance company. They say he is not “totally disabled” and can still work. He has appealed once and was rejected. His job is very stressful and I’m worried that he’ll get worse if he has to deal with the insurance company. What should he do?
► 23:55 – Help@disabilityrights.ca – I’ve heard you speak about “Bad Faith” damages, or punitive damages, that some disabled individuals may be able to claim from insurance companies who deny legitimate claims. What does that mean? Can you explain this a bit more?
► 26:00 http://www.mydisabilityquestions.com – I have MS and have started to experience more symptoms of my condition over the last few years. My doctor told me that I would have to go on disability leave, so we submitted medical notes and applications. I was let go from my job after this due to restructuring and my insurance company has denied my claim as a result. Is there anything I can do? Do I still have any coverage?
Previous Episode: Disability Law Show S2 E1 – 3 Things Disability Suferers Should Not Ask Their Doctor
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