Disability Law Show

Disability Law Show TV – S2 E1

Episode Summary

3 THINGS DISABILITY SUFFERERS SHOULD NEVER ASK THEIR DOCTOR, insufficient medical documentation, teachers and disability claims, why you shouldn’t appeal a denial, and more on Season 2 Episode 1 of the Disability Law Show with disability lawyer and partner, Sivan Tumarkin.

Watch above to discover the steps you need to take when the insurance company cuts off or denies your long-term disability claim in Ontario, British Columbia, or Alberta, on the only disability law show on TV and radio in Canada.

Episode Notes

Disability for Mental Health Denied

I am suffering from mental health issues. My doctors say that I can’t return to work. When my long-term disability claim was denied, I was told to appeal the decision. Should I?

Segment starts at 0:34

Disability Claim for Depression Denied, Appeals Rejected

My wife took a leave of absence due to depression and stress. She applied for and was denied long-term disability. Her two appeals have also been denied. Her family doctor and psychiatrist are shocked that she isn’t being approved. What are our options?

Segment starts at 4:12

The Top 3 Things You Should NEVER Ask Your Doctor If You Suffer from A Disability

1️⃣ No False Information

Never ask your doctor to provide you with a report containing inaccurate or false information.

Segment starts at 8:42

2️⃣ Don’t Misrepresent Disability

Never ask your doctor to underreport or misrepresent the extent of your disability.

Segment starts at 10:15

3️⃣ No Early Return to Work

Never ask your doctor to claim that you can return to work if it is not completely true.

Segment starts at 11:26

Chronic LTD Claim Denied, Not Totally Disabled

My sister has a chronic illness that affects her lower back and has become more depressed in the past couple of years as a result. She was on short-term disability but was denied long-term disability. The insurer said there was insufficient medical documentation and she wasn’t “totally disabled”. What can she do?

Has your long-term disability claim for chronic pain been denied? Sivan explains what you can do in this situation.

Segment starts at 16:09

Union Appealing Long-term Disability Denial

My wife is a teacher and has been on long-term disability for over a year. She was told her benefits would expire after 2 years, but her psychiatrist says she is not ready for any type of work. Her union said they could appeal the decision. Should we let the union appeal before we start a legal claim?

Unionized employees may be able to seek help from a disability lawyer when their insurer denies their disability claim.

Segment starts at 19:12

LTD for Anxiety Denied over Social Media

I have been off work dealing with anxiety and depression for just over a year. The insurance company informed me that my LTD was going to be cut off because there were photos of me posted on social media from my cousin’s birthday party. My doctor encouraged me to try and be more social. How can they cut off my insurance for this? Is there anything I can do?

Your insurance provider should approve long-term disability benefits if you suffer from severe anxiety. Sivan explains what to do if the insurance company rejects your claim.

Segment starts at 22:10

Colon Cancer and Long-Term Disability Denied

My brother has stage 3 colon cancer. His doctors have all said that he should not be working because of the chemo and radiation treatments. Despite this, he has been denied long-term disability because the insurer said there isn’t enough medical proof that he can’t do his job. How can that be possible?

Segment starts at 24:35

Work Hardening Program Against Doctors Orders

My wife is on long-term disability for a degenerative neurological condition. She’s 37 and works in marketing. She’s made remarkable improvements, but she’s not out of the woods yet. Her insurance adjuster said that because she’s improved so much, they want her to start a return to work hardening program, but her doctors don’t agree. What should she do?

Segment starts at 27:06

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Disability Claim Denied?

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