5 Things you MUST do if your LTD is about to be cut off | Disability Law Show TV – S2 E11

5 Things you MUST do ASAP if your LTD Benefits are about to be cut off and what are your disability rights if you suffer from an addiction? Find out the answers and more on Season 2 Episode 10 of the Disability Law Show on Global TV with disability lawyers Sivan Tumarkin and James K. Fireman. Discover your rights if the insurance company denies your long term disability claim. The only program in Canada dedicated to long-term disability.
►00:36 – The Week That Was: What happens when I start a legal claim for my LTD?
► 08:25 – Email from Help@disabilityrights.ca – My wife has an alcohol addiction and can’t work because of that. She gets treatments now but she’s nowhere near ready to go back to work. She applied for long term disability last year for this and was denied. I thought there was no point in appealing so we just left it alone but now I’ve listened to your show for a few weeks and I want to talk to you about her case. Her therapist doesn’t think that she’ll be able to go back to work for a long time.
►013:20 – 5 Things you MUST do ASAP if your LTD Benefits are about to be cut off
– 12:15 – Check your LTD policy to determine at what age your benefits are supposed to expire.
– 15:35 – If you are unable to work, get your doctor or doctors to confirm in writing that you are still disabled and explain why you can’t go back to work at the present time.
– 17:00 – If you haven’t already done so, apply for CPP Disability ASAP.
– 19:43 – Confirm in writing to your adjuster that you are NOT ready to go back to work and that your doctors have said that you can’t go back to work.
– 22:27 – Contact us immediately – do NOT wait! Do NOT appeal!!
► 20:08 – http://www.mydisabilityquestions.com – I’ve been working with my doctor to find the right treatment for my condition and have started to notice a difference. My insurance adjuster recently said that their consultant suggested I switch my medication. I told them I would speak to my doctor about it, and we decided not to change my medication. They said that their psychiatric consultant disagrees and says that I should be taking the medication he suggested. I refused to change my medication and they cut off my LTD payments. I am confused, I’ve never met their consultant. What I am supposed to do now?
► 25:40 – Email from Help@disabilityrights.ca – I was cut off long-term disability because the adjuster said that I wasn’t getting treatments, but I live in a rural area in Ontario and my psychologist just moved to Ottawa, so I am looking for another one. My family doctor is trying to find someone who can help me with my anxiety and phobias. I don’t know what to do.
► 20:08 – http://www.mydisabilityquestions.com – A good friend of mine was just denied long term disability because the insurance company says that she applied too late. She missed the deadline by 9 days and the reason was that she is suffering from mental illness. She is about to be evicted from her apartment and I’m trying to figure out how to help her. She’ll probably move in with me for a while but I was wondering if you can help her with the insurance company. Can they deny her because she was late by a week and a half in applying? That doesn’t seem fair.
Next Episode: Disability Law Show S2 E12 – 3 Mistakes Adjusters Sometimes Make in Long-Term Disability Claims
Previous Episode: Disability Law Show S2 E10 – 3 Ways To Make Your Long-term Disability Claim Stronger
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