Disability Law Show

3 Mistakes Adjusters Sometimes Make in Long-Term Disability Claims | Disability Law Show TV – S2 E12

Sivan and James At Desk - Top 3 Mistakes Adjuster Make


Everything you should know about your long-term disability claims, medical evidence to support LTD claims, and what you should do about appeals on this episode of The Disability Law Show on Global TV with disability lawyers Sivan Tumarkin and James K. Fireman. Learn how to fight back against the insurance company and get what you’re owed when your long-term disability claim is denied.

Can my insurer deny my LTD claim if my doctors cannot diagnose my condition?

►00:36 – The Week That Was: A 43-year-old administrative assistant started experiencing weakness in her arms and cognitive issues. She went on disability while going through tests and her symptoms continued to get worse. She was on EI and applied for LTD because her insurer said that there was no diagnosis for her condition and so she was not eligible for LTD.

Should I appeal a denial from my insurer?

► 07:35 – Email from Help@disabilityrights.ca – My sister has MS. She’s 33 and worked for 6 years as a marketing agent. She was one of the best at her company, but her illness has gotten worse. She can’t continue to work and has applied for long-term disability. The insurance company told her that she didn’t have enough medical evidence to support her claim. She has difficulty functioning even at home, there is no way she can continue to work. Her doctors agree that she won’t be able to go back to work. She appealed her denial, but we don’t think it’s going to change. Should she expect anything to happen with her appeal? Is there anything we can do?

Top 3 Mistakes Adjusters Sometimes Make in Long-Term Disability Claims

– 13:01 – They make decisions on denial or approval of claims without reading ALL of the medical documents you give them
– 13:52 – They make decisions on the basis of the wrong consultants
– 17:35 – They misread or misunderstand your LTD policy

Can I receive LTD Insurance After 24 Months?

► 21:10 – http://www.mydisabilityquestions.com – I’ve been harassed by my LTD adjuster for the past month and I don’t know what to do. He calls me every week and tells me that he needs more information and that if I don’t give it to him he’ll cut me off. I’ve been getting panic attacks every time he calls and just last Friday he sent me a letter saying that my payments will stop in in 3 months because I’ve reached the 24 months. I’m 52 and I’m not ready to go back to work. I get CPP Disability and my doctor says that I still need a lot of treatment before I can go back. My husband wants me to appeal but I just don’t want to deal with that adjuster anymore. Should I just accept my cutoff date and rely on CPP?

Can the Insurance Company’s Consultant Overrule My Doctors Diagnosis?

► 25:55 – Email from Help@disabilityrights.ca – My wife has been struggling with agoraphobia and social anxiety for a few years. Lately, it’s gotten to the point where she can hardly leave the house for more than a brief walk outside on a nice day. She sees her psychologist twice a week via skype. Recently her long-term disability insurer had her case reviewed by a consultant, who is not a doctor or a psychologist, and they said that my wife can try to return to work. Her psychologist insists that it’s not the right time. Does she have to follow the advice of the insurance company’s consultant? What if this makes her worse? She’s really scared, and the adjuster is threatening to cut off her benefits if she doesn’t comply. What can we do?


Next Episode: Disability Law Show S2 E13 – 3 Things You Must Know About the Deadline for Appealing LTD Denial

Previous Episode: Disability Law Show S2 E11 – 5 Things you MUST do if your LTD is about to be cut off

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