3 Things You Must Know About the Deadline for Appealing LTD Denial – Disability Law Show: S2 E13

The Disability Law Show on Global TV with disability lawyers Sivan Tumarkin and James K. Fireman. Dealing with an insurance claim for bi-polar disorder, what to do when you have insufficient medical proof, or what you should know about the deadline for your appeal. Find out how to fight back against the insurance company and get what you’re owed when your long-term disability claim is denied.
What can I do if my insurer says I have insufficient medical proof?
00:37 – The Week That Was: a 54-year-old airline pilot and father of 4 recently began having vision issues and tremors. He was diagnosed with a serious illness and told he couldn’t continue to work. His claim was denied due to insufficient medical proof.
Can my insurer cut me off if they claim I am not complying with my treatments?
07:42 – Email from Help@disabilityrights.ca – My daughter has bipolar disorder and a major depressive disorder. She’s been seeing a psychologist for over 3 years and after the death of her childhood friend last year she got much worse. She applied for, and got, long term disability and 6 months later she was cut off because the adjuster said that she wasn’t complying with her treatments, which is not true. Her psychologist said that she was. The psychologist has tried to write the adjuster directly several times to say that my daughter is doing everything she is supposed to, but she missed a few treatment sessions because she was too ill to get out of bed. Her psychologist said that this was normal for her condition. Can you help her?
3 Things You Must Know About the Deadline for Appealing the Denial of Your Long-term Disability Claim
12:54 – Appeal deadlines set by the LTD insurers are arbitrary. They are set by the insurer and have no legal consequences whatsoever
15:38 – They are designed to control you by forcing you to make a decision (either to appeal or to abandon your claim)
18:35 – They are used to confuse you and make you think that you are appealing to a neutral party or to someone at the insurance company who will look at your claim objectively.
What can I do if my employer was told to cut off my disability by their insurance company?
22:58 – http://www.mydisabilityquestions.com – I’m paid long term disability by my employer, which is a large multi-national company. They want to stop my payments because they say that I’m good to go back to work, which is absolutely ridiculous, and my doctors wrote them saying I can’t. Apparently, there is an insurance company that made this decision. I don’t really understand the role of the insurance company here if my employer is the one that is supposed to pay me my disability. Can you help me?
What can you do if your case manager disagrees with your diagnosis?
26:55 – Email from Help@disabilityrights.ca – My son is 37 years old and works for a high-end commercial real estate firm downtown. He’s had mental health struggles in the past, but recently after his divorce and his mother’s death, he’s gotten very bad. He’s seeing a psychiatrist who prescribed him medications and time off and he has been getting long term disability for just under 2 years. Now his case manager says that he won’t be getting more payments after the end of January. He is nowhere near ready to go back to work. Can you help him?
Next Episode: Disability Law Show S2 E14 – Top 3 Things You Should Absolutely NOT Tell Your Adjuster
Previous Episode: Disability Law Show S2 E12 – Top 3 Mistakes Adjusters Sometimes Make in Long-Term Disability Claims
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