Disability Law Show

Top 3 Things You Should Absolutely NOT Tell Your Adjuster – Disability Law Show: S2 E14

The Disability Law Show on Global TV with disability lawyers Sivan Tumarkin and James K. Fireman. Find out how to fight back against the insurance company and get what you’re owed when your long-term disability claim is denied.


🔹00:37 – The Week That Was: We received an email from a physiotherapist who was listening to the show but wasn’t able to record it or take notes because she was driving. Is there any way to find the episode or information? Can a healthcare professional get in touch with you to find out more about helping patients with disabilities?

🔹 06:25 – Email from Help@disabilityrights.ca – A close friend of mine is getting long-term disability and his adjuster keeps telling him that he will not get any benefits after he reaches two years because he’ll need to find other work at that point. My friend is in his early 40s and is a teacher. He suffers from mental health issues which run in his family and he gets medication for them. He can’t be around kids and rarely comes out of his house now. Every time he speaks with his adjuster, he gets more and more depressed and anxious and I simply don’t know what to do about that. He is supposed to be cut off benefits in mid-January. His psychiatrist says that he is in no state to work in any job at this point and I’m just wondering if you can help him.

Top 3 Things You Should Absolutely NOT Tell Your Adjuster

12:53 – That you’re generally feeling better than you really are (not in the moment, but generally)

14:48 – That you’re not complying with treatments because you’ve simply given up

19:01 – That you think you’ll be ready to go back to work when your doctor advises that you should not

🔹 23:02http://www.mydisabilityquestions.com – My brother had a stroke about 2 years ago and went on short term disability. He’s still recovering and can’t go back to his job as a plumber, which he’s been doing for over 20 years. His long-term disability insurer denied his claim last year and he appealed it, but it was rejected again. He’s looking to sell his house and we’re trying to figure out options. Can you guys help and if so how long would it take? He’s not doing well, both physically and mentally now.

🔹 25:55 – Email from Help@disabilityrights.ca – My husband was injured in during a hockey game and had to have surgery to his back. He’s been off work for over 6 months and initially, he received EI sick benefits but then when he applied for long term disability his claim was rejected because of “insufficient medical documents”. I don’t understand that. His doctors have said that he will need to be off work for quite a long time to recover. His injuries are very serious and he has a pretty demanding work schedule as a truck driver which he definitely can’t return to anytime soon. What can we do?


Next Episode: Disability Law Show S2 E15 – Top 5 Red Flags When Dealing With an LTD Lawyer

Previous Episode: Disability Law Show S2 E13 – 3 Things You Must Know About the Deadline for Appealing the Denial of Your Long-term Disability Claim

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