3 Reasons to Hire Samfiru Tumarkin LLP to Fight for your LTD – Disability Law Show S2 E29

Why should you hire Samfiru Tumarkin LLP to fight for your long term disability claim? Discover your disability insurance rights during COVID-19 on the Disability Law Show on Global TV with disability lawyer Sivan Tumarkin. Learn how to fight back against the insurance company and get what you’re owed when your long-term disability claim is denied.
In This Episode
►The Week That Was
(00:45) Insurance companies are denying mental health coverage LTD claims as a result of COVID-19.
► What are my options if my disability claim has been denied, should I appeal?
(5:43) I have been struggling with post-partum depression and high levels of anxiety. Despite my doctor and therapist saying that I should be off work I was denied long-term disability. I have already exhausted my short-term benefits with the same insurance company. I have been trying to appeal but I am not very optimistic that I will get anywhere with that. What can I do? Are you able to help me?”
►COVID-19 and LTD – 3 Reasons to hire Samfiru Tumarkin for your disability claim:
►10:45 – Once you hire us, we do the talking. We deal with your insurer and allow you to focus on your health.
► 13:05 – We have the experience, reputation, and firepower to take on your insurer.
► 15:05 – It won’t cost you a cent upfront to hire us. We get the money from the insurance company and only then we get paid.
►My benefits are being re-evaluated despite my doctor’s confirmation I cannot return to work. What should I do?
(19:19) “My wife is a teacher and has been battling cancer for the last 8 months. She is getting chemo and radiation treatments. She was on long-term disability for 6 months and then got a new adjuster who told us that they had her medical documents reviewed by their in-house doctor who said that they think she is healthy enough for a gradual return to work. My wife’s oncologist disagrees but the adjuster said that if she doesn’t agree to try to go back then her benefits will be cut off at the end of August. What can we do about this?”
►How can I prove that I am unable to work?
(25:02) “ I just got a denial letter in the mail from my long-term disability insurance that said that they don’t consider me “totally disabled”. I don’t understand. I have been off work for over 8 months now because I have multiple sclerosis. My doctors have all said that I am unable to work and I take a lot of medications to help with my condition. How else can I prove to the insurer that I am unable to work?”
Previous Episode: Disability Law Show S2 E28 – 3 Tactics LTD Insurers Sometimes Use to Make You Give Up the Benefits They Owe You
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