3 Tactics LTD Insurers Sometimes Use to Make You Give Up the Benefits They Owe You – Disability Law Show S2 E28

What three tactics do long-term disability insurers use to make you give up your benefits? Discover your disability insurance rights during COVID-19 on the Disability Law Show on Global TV with disability lawyer Sivan Tumarkin. Learn how to fight back against the insurance company and get what you’re owed when your long-term disability claim is denied.
In This Episode
►The Week That Was
(00:55) – The psychological impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and how insurers are handling COVID-19 related claims.
► What do I do if my insurer tells me I am not disabled enough?
(06:30) – “My wife has been on long-term disability for just over a year for Multiple Sclerosis. She can’t do her job as a PSW and this has been confirmed by her doctors. Despite this, the insurance company sent her to see a doctor who said that she is not disabled enough and should be able to go back to modified work. Her doctors disagree. We’re afraid that her benefits will end soon because of the insurance doctor and we don’t know what to do now. ”
►COVID-19 and LTD – 3 tactics long-term disability insurers sometimes use to make you give up the benefits they owe you:
►13:40 – They bully you and act like they don’t believe you and your doctors.
►15:52 – They tell you that without a formal diagnosis you can’t get long term disability.
►17:47 – They mislead you into thinking that your benefits automatically end after 2 years.
►What do I do if my insurer denies my mental health claim?
( 21:24) – “My son is 32. He’s suffered from depression since his early 20s, but he was mostly able to manage this with medication. He had a small business that he had to shut down last year. He applied for disability insurance but was denied. He was seeing a psychiatrist before Covid-19 and he is now having virtual sessions covered by OHIP. There’s no way he can work right now and his psychiatrist agrees. He is going to appeal but I’ve listened to your show and told him he shouldn’t because it’s a waste of time. But he doesn’t want to start a legal claim because he doesn’t have money to pay for a lawyer. Are you able to help at all? Can you at least talk to him? ”
►What can I do if my insurer says I should apply for WSIB but I wasn’t injured at work?
(26:00) – My boyfriend was hurt in an accident that happened while he was on break from work about a year ago. He can’t use his right arm and leg now and when he applied for long-term disability he was rejected because the insurance company said that he should be getting Workers’ Compensation. But he applied for WSIB and was denied. He is very depressed now and doesn’t know what to do since he was rejected by both WSIB and his disability insurer. Can you help?
• WSIB vs. LTD: What’s the difference?
Previous Episode: Disability Law Show S2 E27 – What Insurers Mean When They Say These 3 Things to You
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