Employment Law

What the Uber Class Action Lawsuit could mean for independent contractors

Will the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision impact contract workers moving forward?

Alex Lucifero, Ottawa Employment Lawyer, joins Matt Harris on Morning Rush CFRA Radio to answer questions on what the next steps will be in the class action suit, and what this decision means for the gig economy.

  • 4:28 – How do Ontario courts and laws regard employees? Are they more employ friendly?
  • 5:23 – Will workers moving forward have more rights as they won’t just be seen as independent contract workers but actual employees?
  • 7:12 – If considered an employee rather than contractor what benefits and changes would your employer have to implement?
  • 8:26 – Why is this particular case such an arduous process?
  • 9:50 – How long do normal employment matters typically take?

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