Blog & News
Stay ahead of the curve with the latest developments in employment law, workplace rights, long-term disability claims, and personal injury. Explore Samfiru Tumarkin LLP’s newest media interviews, exclusive press releases, insightful reactions to current events, and notable legal victories.

Matt Lauer fired over “Inappropriate Sexual Behaviour” – CTV News
Employment lawyer Alex Lucifero joined CTV News to talk about NBC firing Matt Lauer over misconduct and sexual harassment in the workplace.

Harassment-Free Office Holiday Party Guide
With the influx of workplace sexual harassment allegations becoming public employers need to take steps to limit potential liability at their office…

580 CFRA – NBC Fires Matt Lauer After Sexual Misconduct Review
In light of Matt Lauer's firing from NBC, Employment Lawyer Lior Samfiru discusses what employers should do when it comes to workplace…

Concerns About Severance Offers for Fired Postmedia & Torstar Employees
With Postmedia and Torstar slated to close down some local newspapers, employment lawyer David Vaughan talks about inadequate severance offers.

Postmedia and Torstar Layoffs | Severance Packages
Postmedia and Torstar have traded 41 local community newspapers with most to be shut down permanently. Learn about severance pay rights for the…

Bill 148 – Fair Workplaces Better Jobs Act 2017
Read our article for an overview of some of the significant Employment Standards Act changes that were passed in the Fair Workplaces…

Lindsay Shepherd, Laurier & Legalities of Recording Meetings
Lior Samfiru, Partner at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP, discusses what the law says about recording coworkers in meetings, in light of the Lindsay…

Bill 148 and the ESA – More Than Minimum Wage
Here's an overview of some of the other more significant changes coming to the ESA in Ontario, including the minimum wage increase.

640 Toronto – Does Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act Go Far Enough?
Samfiru Tumarkin LLP Employment Lawyer Jon Pinkus discusses the changes affecting both employers and employees in Bill 148 Fair Workplaces/Better Jobs Act.