High unemployment rates and employee rights: Alex Lucifero with CTV News

Interview Summary
Canada’s unemployment rate rose to 6.4% in the last month, an increase from the month prior. Many Canadians have been out of work for almost half of a year. What should they know as they try to re-enter the job market? Should severance be enhanced due to extenuating factors?
Alex Lucifero, an Ontario employment lawyer and Partner at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP joined CTV News Ottawa to discuss employees’ options and rights they should be aware of.
Interview Notes
- Trying to get back into the workforce: Lucifero cautioned individuals to accept the first severance offer their employers gave if they were let go. “Whether it’s due to restructuring or a layoff, any kind of termination, you should be very cautious about the severance your employer has offered you.” Lucifero went on to explain that he has often seen employers offer tens of thousands of dollars less in adequate severance packages.
- Advantages of a good severance package: “Employees are going to need that money in a difficult job market to find that next job,” said Lucifero. “Ultimately that’s what severance is for.”
- Factors that influence severance: Lucifero explained that since the start of the pandemic, Ontario courts have taken into consideration the job market at the time an employee has been let go. “This is another factor in assessing severance, in addition to how old you are, how long you’ve been with a company, your position within that company, etc.” Lucifero also discussed the implications of an employee who has been let go and can find a comparable job very quickly on severance entitlements.
Related Resources
For further insights and discussions related to employee rights, explore the following resources: