Food delivery service Foodora says it’s closing – CBC News

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Food delivery service Foodora is closing down its operations in Canada next month. The announcement comes shortly after an Ontario Labour Relations Board decision that handed the company’s workers the right to unionize.

Lior Samfiru, a Canadian employment lawyer and co-founding partner at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP, told CBC News that Foodora couriers should be recognized as employees based on many factors, which would have them entitled to severance. But Foodora won’t recognize them as such.

“They would be owed severance, now that they will no longer be working for Foodora, and that could potentially mean a few months’ pay per person,” Samfiru said in an emailed statement.

“This is especially true now, when it will be harder for these individuals to replace the income they have lost from Foodora. They may also be owed outstanding overtime, vacation pay, holiday pay and minimum wage.”

Read the full article on CBC News.

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