Employment Law

Employment lawyer on mass layoffs in the tech industry


Interview Summary

Technology corporations across North America have frozen hiring and in many cases laid off employees en masse due to the possibility of a recession and market difficulties. Employees in the tech sector are bracing for uncertain times and many are unsure of their rights in the event of a layoff.

Alex Lucifero, an Ottawa employment lawyer and managing Partner at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP joins CTV News Ottawa to shed light on the rights of employees in the event of a mass layoff and more.

Interview notes

  • Employee rights in a mass layoff: Employees let go, regardless of a mass layoff or an individual termination, are entitled to severance pay. Severance is based on the age of the employee, the length of their service as well as their position. Severance is typically much more than what an employer initially offers.
  • Industry or sector influence on severance pay: In some cases, the sector or business that an employee was employed in can factor into severance. Severance also takes into account future employment possibilities. Employees in a sector that is undergoing difficulties could have an enhanced or extended severance package.
  • Tech employee rights when beginning a new job: Employees should always review their employment contracts and offer letters at the start of their employment. There is often language included regarding severance pay, layoffs, etc. Contracts are typically negotiable.
  • Negotiating for more severance if laid off: Employees should never immediately sign or agree to the severance they are offered as it is usually less than they are entitled to. Employees that don’t understand the terminology or certain provisions should seek out legal advice from an employment lawyer.

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