Employment Law
Employment lawyer Alex Lucifero with CTV on workplace relationships

Interview Summary
The recent resignation of Toronto’s mayor John Tory has given rise to questions surrounding workplace relationships and possible ethical concerns. Are employees permitted to engage in workplace relationships? How can employers ensure work environments are safe and h?
Alex Lucifero, an Ottawa employment lawyer and Managing Partner at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP joined Matt Skub at CTV News Ottawa to discuss the implications of workplace relationships and more.
Interview Notes
- Employer ban on workplace relationships: Employers are within their rights to ban workplace relationships however it is not recommended. Outright banning of employee relationships will encourage dishonesty and a lack of disclosure. It is more beneficial to have a policy in place that allows for workplace relationships and some restraint.
- Dating policies in the workplace: It is quite common for employers to implement policies regarding dating and relationships in the workplace. The policy can simply request that employees disclose relationships and prevent conflicts of interest. Policies can also ensure the work environment remains safe and free from sexual harassment.
- Fired for dating a co-worker: Employers are technically permitted to terminate an employee without cause for any reason as long as adequate severance pay is offered. In matters of conflict of interest or harassment, however, employers may have cause to terminate an employee.