Class Action launched against TD Travel Insurance

As the COVID-19 pandemic seemed to derail many Canadian’s plans for the year in March, trips were largely canceled or postponed. While some Canadians were reimbursed for paid expenses, many are still waiting for a refund. In response, a class-action lawsuit has been filed against TD Insurance by Samfiru Tumarkin LLP as many claims have been denied as TD states they have reimbursed clients with vouchers or credits.
Sivan Tumarkin, an insurance lawyer and partner at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP joined Newstalk 1010 to discuss the class-action and what comes next.
What They Discussed
- What was the family insured for? There are different types of travel insurance. A cause that is usually covered under an insurance policy would be a travel advisory cause, which should have covered this family for paid expenses.
- The insurance company is claiming the money paid for can be used as a voucher for a later date. Is this allowed? For this to be viable the travel insurance policy would have had to include mention of credit or voucher.
Canadians who have been denied their travel insurance claims by their insurance policy provider due to the availability of a credit or voucher should contact Samfiru Tumarkin LLP to pursue full compensation.