
In the News

COVID January 19th, 2022

Toronto employment lawyer on mandating booster shots

By Lior Samfiru

An employment lawyer spoke with the Canadian HR Reporter regarding working vaccine mandates and booster shots.

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Headshot of employment lawyer Lior Samfiru to the left of the Global News logo, which hovers above a dark blue band across the bottom of the image bearing the Samfiru Tumarkin LLP logo.
COVID January 14th, 2022

Work: What’s Next | Qualifying for sick days with no COVID-19 testing

By Lior Samfiru

Employment lawyer Lior Samfiru joins Global News Work What's Next to discuss sick days and job-protected leave as COVID testing becomes unavailable.

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COVID January 13th, 2022

Employment lawyer on Omicron variant’s impact on workplaces

By Alex C. Lucifero

Employment lawyer Alex Lucifero joins CTV News Ottawa to discuss workplace policies amidst a rise in COVID-19 cases due to the Omicron…

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COVID January 13th, 2022

Lior Samfiru, Globe and Mail, on wrongful dismissals due to vaccine policies

By Lior Samfiru

Employment lawyer Lior Samfiru spoke with the Globe and Mail regarding COVID-19 vaccine policies and wrongful dismissals.

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COVID January 13th, 2022

Emerging wrongful dismissal cases and rights for unvaccinated workers

By Jon Pinkus

Employment lawyer Jon Pinkus joins CTV News to discuss the rise in wrongful dismissal suits as a result of terminations due to…

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COVID January 13th, 2022

Jon Pinkus, 900 CHML, on unvaccinated employee rights

By Jon Pinkus

Employment lawyer Jon Pinkus joins Scott Thompson on 900 CHML to discuss the rights of unvaccinated employees.

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A headshot of Ottawa disability lawyer Sivan Tumarkin next to the logos for Samfiru Tumarkin LLP and Ottawa radio station Newstalk 580 CFRA.
COVID January 10th, 2022

Sivan Tumarkin on COVID-19 testing and disability benefits

By Sivan Tumarkin

Disability lawyer Sivan Tumarkin joins Bill Carroll on Newstalk 580 CFRA to discuss COVID-19 testing and disability benefits.

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Headshot of employment lawyer Lior Samfiru to the left of the Global News logo, which hovers above a dark blue band across the bottom of the image bearing the Samfiru Tumarkin LLP logo.
COVID January 7th, 2022

Work: What’s Next | Unvaccinated employee rights to employment insurance

By Lior Samfiru

Employment lawyer Lior Samfiru joins Global News Work What's Next to discuss unvaccinated employee rights to employment insurance.

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A headshot of Toronto employment lawyer Lior Samfiru next to the logos for Samfiru Tumarkin LLP and radio station 640 Toronto.
COVID January 4th, 2022

Employment lawyer on E.I eligibility and vaccination status

By Lior Samfiru

Employment lawyer Lior Samfiru joins Alex Pierson on Global News Radio 640 Toronto to discuss employee ineligibility due to vaccination status.

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