
In the News

Employment Law October 8th, 2024

Wages deducted from server despite a lack of tip: Employment lawyer discusses on 640 Toronto

By Teilen Celentano

Employment lawyer Teilen Celentano on 640 Toronto with Kelly Cutrara to discuss the rights of servers to tips and more.

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Employment Law September 25th, 2024

Private sector employees made to go back to the office: Employment lawyer on CFRA

By Travis Carpenter

Travis Carpenter, an employment lawyer, offered insight on employees being asked to return to work with 580 CFRA.

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Employment Law September 24th, 2024

Possible RBC layoffs for former HSBC employees: Lior Samfiru with Reuters

By Lior Samfiru

Employment lawyer Lior Samfiru spoke with Reuters on the possibility of RBC layoffs.

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Employment Law September 16th, 2024

Discrimination complaint dismissed by human rights tribunal: Ontario employment lawyer on HR Reporter

By Jeremy Herman

Employment lawyer Jeremy Herman discusses human rights complaints and workplace discrimination with the HR Reporter.

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Employment Law September 10th, 2024

PwC plans to electronically monitor remote employees: Alex Lucifero with CTV News

By Alex C. Lucifero

Employment lawyer Alex Lucifero joined CTV News to discuss PricewaterhouseCoopers decision to electronically monitor employees.

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A headshot of Toronto employment lawyer Lior Samfiru next to the logos for Samfiru Tumarkin LLP and radio station 640 Toronto.
Employment Law September 5th, 2024

Rise of layoffs across Canada: Lior Samfiru on 640 Toronto

By Lior Samfiru

Employment lawyer Lior Samfiru spoke with 640 Toronto's John Oakley on ongoing layoffs across the country.

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Employment Law August 30th, 2024

Vacation pay for employees: Employment lawyer discusses with Canadian Lawyer

By Travis Carpenter

Travis Carpenter, an employment lawyer at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP, offered insight on vacation pay for employees with Canadian Lawyer Magazine.

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Disability/Personal Injury August 13th, 2024

Can social media posts affect your insurance claims?: Disability lawyer on 640 Toronto

By Sivan Tumarkin

Disability lawyer Sivan Tumarkin on 640 Toronto with Ben Mulroney to discuss an social media posts and their impact on insurance claims.

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Employment Law July 25th, 2024

‘Coffee badging’ and employee rights: Alex Lucifero with CTV News

By Alex C. Lucifero

Employment lawyer Alex Lucifero joined CTV News Ottawa to "coffee badging" and employee rights.

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