Calgary employment lawyer talks removing vaccine mandates at work

Interview Notes

Alberta’s premier has asked that employers and businesses consider removing their current vaccine mandates in an effort to bring back unvaccinated employees. What rights do employers have to continue to impose vaccine mandates as other health restrictions are removed?

Lluc Cerda, a Calgary employment lawyer and Senior Associate at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP spoke with Andy and Sue on CHQR on employee rights amidst vaccine mandates.

Interview Notes

  • Continued vaccine mandates at the workplace: Currently, as the science has evolved it seems less likely that employers can continue to have vaccine mandates in the workplace.
  • Legal implications of Alberta Premiere’s announcement: There does not seem to be an issue with the Alberta premier asking employers directly to consider removing their vaccine policies. Over the course of the pandemic, the provincial government has put out directives and recommendations for employers to proceed with health and safety measures.
  • Withholding government support for businesses with mandates: The provincial government can choose to implement laws or influence through their ability to spend. The lack of financial support for a company from the government is less likely to be challenged in court.

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