Alex Lucifero on Ontario paid sick days

Interview Summary
The Ontario government’s announcement regarding paid sick days has been met with some confusion across the province. Employees are wondering what they are entitled to and how this implementation will fit in with public health and safety measures. What are employers obligated to provide?
Alex Lucifero, an employment lawyer and Managing Partner at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP joins CTV News Ottawa to answer these questions and more.
Interview Notes
How does Ontario’s paid sick day program work?
Employees will be offered three paid sick days if the medical leave is related to COVID-19; this will entitle employees who are possibly sick with COVID-19, have to take care of a family member who is ill from COVID-19, or have to self isolate to up to $200/day. This program also applies to employees who have to get vaccinated or have symptoms of the vaccine.
Learn More
Employment lawyer on Ontario’s paid sick leave program
Sick Days in Ontario
What are some potential flaws in the new Ontario sick leave program?
The new program does not necessarily help employees who have to take a medical leave due to COVID-19 as they will have to be off work for at least two weeks. The federal sick leave program, CRSB, provides employees with $500 a week but lasts at least two weeks however employees will have to choose one or the other program.