The Employment Law Show

Busting Employment Law Myths | Employment Law Show TV – S1 E8


The Employment Law Show with Canadian employment lawyer Lior Samfiru and co-host John Scholes. Discover your workplace rights and learn everything you need to know about employment law in Ontario and British Columbia on Season 1 Episode 8 of the only employment law show on TV in Canada (formerly known as Employment Hour in 30)

On this episode, we discuss some of the myths surrounding employment law, being asked to relocate to a different office far away, being let go shortly after returning from a parental leave, and more!

What We Covered

► 1:47 – An I.T. analyst was let go without severance pay after 10 years of employment. He filed a complaint with the Ministry of Labour. Lior explains why that can be the worst move to make following termination.

► 5:05 – A woman suffering health issues was suspended without pay for a week after her employer felt she took an unnecessarily long bathroom break. They are threatening to fire her if she does so again, despite the fact that she has offered to provide a doctor’s note to support her condition. Lior explains her rights in this situation.

► Busting Employment Law Myths

• 7:47 – An employer cannot terminate someone unless the employee has done something wrong. Fact or Myth?
• 9:38 – An employee cannot be terminated if they are on leave. Fact or Myth?
• 10:42 – Employees in a federally regulated job can only get a few weeks’ pay as severance. Fact or Myth? (truth about severance for federally regulated workers)
• 11:54 – An employer has the right to change an employee’s job duties, pay structure or job location. Fact or Myth?
• 13:18 – The Ministry of Labour can help an employee get their full severance pay. Fact or Myth?

► 15:24 – The benefits of using The Severance Pay Calculator before or immediately after being terminated from your job.

► 17:03 – A 43-year-old nurse was let go after 10 years of employment. He was offered 10 weeks’ severance pay. Lior uses The Severance Pay Calculator to reveal what he should have been offered.

► 19:00 – My employer wants to relocate me to a different office. One option is 45km away while the other is 70km away. I have been with the company for 20 years, and am currently only 2km away from work. What should I do?

► 22:26 – A 36-year-old gentleman was laid off from his manufacturing job 1.5 years ago without severance pay, and was told that he wouldn’t be hired back. He had worked for the company for 2 years. What type of severance package should he have been offered and can anything be done at this point? Lior explains the importance of the 2 year Limitation Period on severance claims.

► 24:08 – An individual sent a question in through e-mail – – explaining that they were laid off with two weeks’ severance pay after returning from a 35-week parental leave. No warning was given. Are they entitled to a severance package?

► 26:36 – After 6 years on the job, an employee took an extended unpaid leave of absence. His doctor ended up disclosing his illness to his employer, who didn’t want to accommodate his condition. They became frustrated because the employee had not returned to work and eventually terminated him. What should the employee do?

Next Episode: Employment Law Show S1 E9 – More Seniority Than You Realize

Previous Episode: Employment Law Show S1 E7 – You Have To Do Something About it if…

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