The Employment Law Show

You Have More Seniority | Employment Law Show TV – S1 E9


The Employment Law Show with Canadian employment lawyer Lior Samfiru and co-host John Scholes. Discover your workplace rights and learn everything you need to know about employment law in Ontario and British Columbia on Season 1 Episode 9 of the only employment law show on TV in Canada (formerly known as Employment Hour in 30)

On this episode, we discuss how you may have more seniority than you realize, being let go while on medical leave, being fired for comments made on social media, and more!

What We Covered

► 1:51 – A employee was diagnosed with a serious medical condition, which required him to see a specialist three times a week. His employer accommodated his schedule, however after three weeks, decided to let him go. The employer argued that the appointments should be done on the employee’s own time. Lior explains an employee’s rights in this situation.

► 5:06 – 7 months ago I was told through an e-mail that I was being put on a Performance Improvement Plan. 6 months later, I was fired and given 8 weeks’ severance. Am I entitled to any additional severance pay?

► 7:49 – Are federally regulated employees entitled to full severance under common law?

► 9:10 – Can an employee on long-term disability be let go if the reason for being dismissed is their disability?

► 13:23 – Staring at a severance offer? Lior explains why you must consult The Severance Pay Calculator BEFORE signing off on any severance offer.

► 15:03 – A 49-year-old bookkeeper was let go after 8 years without any severance pay. Lior uses the severance pay calculator to reveal their full severance entitlements.

► 16:33 – I am undergoing surgery while on medical leave. My employer just informed me that I no longer have a job to come back to. Am I owed any severance pay after 16 years at the company?

► 19:34 – My boss has changed the terms my employment contract by reducing my rate of pay substantially. If I refuse to accept it, and my boss fires me, am I entitled to any severance pay?

► You Have More Seniority Than You Realize!

• 23:21 – If you’ve been working as an independent contractor
• 24:31 – If you’ve been recruited from another company
• 25:32 – If there are gaps in service
• 26:32 – If your company is taken over by a new employer
• 27:27 – If you are on a disability or maternity leave

► 28:07 – Can an employee be disciplined or fired for comments made on a personal social media account?

Next Episode: Employment Law Show S1 E10 – Understanding the Duty to Accommodate

Previous Episode: Employment Law Show S1 E8 – Busting Employment Law Myths

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