The Employment Law Show

Workplace Situations You Must React To | Employment Law Show TV – S1 E7


The Employment Law Show with Canadian employment lawyer Lior Samfiru and co-host John Scholes. Discover your workplace rights and learn everything you need to know about employment law in Ontario and British Columbia on Season 1 Episode 7 of the only employment law show on TV in Canada (formerly known as Employment Hour in 30)

On this episode, we discuss situations in the workplace where you have to do something right away, temporary layoffs, why you should speak with an employment lawyer, and more!

What We Covered

► 0:44 – Lior talks about how important your workplace rights are.

► 1:59 – A gentleman was laid off temporarily. His employer said they hoped to rehire him in the next 6 months. During the time that he was laid off, he found another job. His old job phoned him to say that he could come back, but he let them know that he had a new job. Is he entitled to any severance pay from his previous job?

► 4:06 – Temporary Layoffs, and why you should react immediately when they happen.

► 5:52 – A woman with two children works at a job where her employer accommodated her childcare needs by letting her work a daytime schedule for 18 months. 6 months ago, the employer told her that they weren’t going to accommodate her schedule anymore. What can she do in this situation?

► 8:26 – My employer won’t relocate me to a plant that is closer to the my home so that I can help my son deal with a medical condition.

► 9:14 – An employee has spent 5 years and 6 months at their company. If they are fired, how much severance pay should they accept before a severance offer deadline?

► 12:51 – How The Severance Pay Calculator can help you determine the amount of severance pay that you are owed upon termination.

► 14:20 – A 51-year-old construction worker was fired after 14 years. They were offered a severance package of 10 weeks’ pay. Lior explains why that amount is inappropriately low, what a wrongful dismissal is, and severance pay for construction workers.

► 15:55 – A senior manager accepted an employment contract that limited his severance pay to “the ESA plus two weeks”. If he didn’t sign, they were going to retract the job offer. Now the company is downsizing. How much severance can he obtain if he is let go?

► 18:38 – An employee was fired and offered 2 weeks’ pay – but only if they agreed to sign a release that eliminated their ability to sue for additional severance pay. The employee was salaried and worked 500 overtime hours in the last 12 months. Lior explains why they shouldn’t sign, and why the Ministry of Labour can’t help.

► 21:03 – After 10 years, a woman’s position at her company was eliminated and she was offered 3 months of severance. If she applied for and failed to succeed in a new job after 3 months, they would give her 6 months pay. Is that a fair offer?

► 23:10 – Situations In Your Workplace Where You Have To Do Something Right Away

• Your employer is building a case against you
• You are offered a new employment agreement
• You experience harassment at the workplace
• Your employer changes the terms of your employment
• Your employer won’t accommodate you especially when it comes to a medical condition/family issue)

Next Episode: Employment Law Show S1 E8 – Busting Employment Law Myths

Previous Episode: Employment Law Show S1 E6 – Fighting a Long Term Disability Claim Denial

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