TV & Radio Episodes
Samfiru Tumarkin LLP is the only law firm in Canada that provides consistent public education through programs on television, radio and online, focused exclusively on your legal rights in the workplace and when your long-term disability claim has been denied. Find a past episode of the Employment Law Show or Disability Law Show below by selecting the show name and most relevant location from the drop-down menus.

Employment Law Show: Ontario – S11 E39
What are some common employment law myths? Employment Lawyer Alex Lucifero, a managing partner at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP, answers this question and…

Disability Law Show: Ontario – S5 E18
Why are claimants with chronic pain cut off from LTD? Disability lawyer and Partner Tamar Agopian at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP answers this…

Employment Law Show: Ontario – S11 E38
Can your employer let you go before your notice period ends? Employment Lawyer Jon Pinkus, Partner at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP answers this…

3 Common misconceptions about “total disability” | Disability Law Show TV – S5 E22
3 COMMON MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT "TOTAL DISABILITY" on Season 5 Episode 22 of the Disability Law Show with disability lawyer and co-managing Partner…

What to know about “For Cause” Terminations | Employment Law Show TV – S7 E14
WHAT TO KNOW ABOUT FOR CAUSE TERMINATIONS, forced to retire, reduced shifts, and more on Season 7 Episode 14 of the Employment…

Applying for LTD because of fibromyalgia | Disability Law Show TV – S5 E21
APPLYING FOR LTD BECAUSE OF FIBROMYALGIA on Season 5 Episode 21 of the Disability Law Show with disability lawyer and co-managing Partner…

Employment Law Show: Ontario – S11 E37
What rights do employees have when returning from disability leave? Employment Lawyer Lior Samfiru, co-managing Partner and national practice leader at Samfiru…

Employment Law Show: Ontario – S11 E36
Can employees be placed on an unpaid suspension? Employment Lawyer Lior Samfiru, co-managing Partner and national practice leader at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP,…

Employment Law Show: Ontario – S11 E35
Are employers obligated to accommodate an employee's request to work remotely? Employment Lawyer Alex Lucifero, a managing partner at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP,…