Disability Law Show TV – S2 E9

3 things you should do if your long-term disability insurance company says that you MUST try to go back to work and you’re not ready yet. Find out the answers and more on Season 2 Episode 9 of the Disability Law Show on Global TV with disability lawyers Sivan Tumarkin and James K. Fireman. Discover your rights if the insurance company denies your long term disability claim. The only program in Canada dedicated to long-term disability.
►00:46 – The Week That Was: My long-term disability claim was denied after I was on short-term disability. My claim was denied because I was caring for my disabled daughter while on leave and the insurer told me that it was proof enough that I could work. Can my insurer do that?
► 07:15 – Email from Help@disabilityrights.ca – My son was injured pretty badly during a hockey game 2 years ago. He was 26 at the time. He worked as a trades worker at the time and because of his injuries, he went on EI and then on long term disability. Now the insurance company says that he has to try to go back to work despite the fact that he can’t, and his doctors agree that he is not ready. I’ve talked to his union and they said that they don’t deal with long term disability. I’m worried about what will happen if they stop his payments. Would they tell him in advance if they are going to stop? Should he speak with someone higher up at the insurance company?
►014:45 – 3 things you should do if your long-term disability insurance company says that you MUST try to go back to work and you are NOT yet ready to.
– 14:55 – Get letters from your doctors explaining why you are not ready to go back to work and send those to your adjuster.
– 17:50 – Email your adjuster and explain why you don’t feel that you are ready to go back to work yet.
– 19:13 – Document all your communications with the adjuster in writing.
► 23:24 – http://www.mydisabilityquestions.com – I applied for CPP Disability after being on long term disability for a year and a half. I just got the denial letter from CPP Disability and I plan on challenging the denial with my doctors, who are very supportive of me. I talked to my LTD adjuster who said that, because I was denied CPP Disability, I will likely be cut off soon. I don’t understand why. Can I challenge the LTD insurer? He said that a letter will be coming soon that will give me the cutoff date and how to appeal. Should I call you when I get that letter?
Previous Episode: Disability Law Show S2 E8 – 3 Ways To Deal With An Aggressive Adjuster
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Denied Long Term Disability? We Can Hp.
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