What Insurers Mean When They Say These 3 Things to You – Disability Law Show S2 E27

What insurers mean when they say these 3 things to you, and can your insurer cut off your insurance without warning? Find out your Disability Insurance Rights During COVID-19 on the Disability Law Show on Global TV with disability lawyer Sivan Tumarkin. Learn how to fight back against the insurance company and get what you’re owed when your long-term disability claim is denied.
►Week That Was: The psychological impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and how insurers are handling COVID-19 related claims.
►Call: Can my insurer cut me off even if I have notes from my doctors?
(06:20) “I’ve been on long-term disability for about 3 years now. I work for the provincial government. I’m still ill, I cannot go back to work. The insurance company hasn’t bothered me, it’s just that I got a new case manager and she called and asked me a bunch of questions. I’m a little paranoid, is it possible that they can cut me off now, even though I’m still disabled and have doctor’s and specialists notes?”
► What insurers mean when they say these 3 things to you:
►(11:10) – We want you to see one of our doctors for an assessment.
►(15:32) – We think you may be ready to try a gradual return to work.
►(17:49) – Your 2 years are coming up soon.
►Call: What does it mean if my employer says I am not eligible for long-term disability?
(21:44) “I was on layoff by the company. I am in management. I have multiple sclerosis and was advised by my doctor not to go to work. They told me at that time I cannot claim long-term or short-term disability. Four weeks ago, I was recalled back to work on the CEWS, my HR department informed me that I am still not eligible to claim short-term or long-term disability for my multiple sclerosis. I find that very peculiar.”
►Email: What can I do if my insurer says I will be cut off because I have reached the 2 year mark?
(25:35) I went off work due to workplace harassment and a toxic work environment. With my psychiatrist’s and psychologist’s support, I was eventually approved for LTD too. I am now almost at the 2-year mark of my medical leave. I know from listening to your show that it is never good when the insurance company requests an independent medical assessment. I am reaching out to see if I have any options with the insurance company’s request for the assessment.
Previous Episode: Disability Law Show S2 E26 – What You Should Know About Your Disability Lawyer BEFORE You Hire Them
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