What You Should Know About Your Disability Lawyer BEFORE You Hire Them – Disability Law Show S2 E26

What 3 things should you know about your disability lawyer, and can your insurer force you to do a transferrable skills assessment? Find out your Disability Insurance Rights During COVID-19 on the Disability Law Show on Global TV with disability lawyer Sivan Tumarkin. Learn how to fight back against the insurance company and get what you’re owed when your long-term disability claim is denied.
►Week That Was: How does business interruption insurance apply to COVID-19 issues?
►Call: Should I apply for the CERB if my long-term disability was denied?
(06:18) “My husband has severe COPD, the company said you have to show symptoms before you get on short-term disability. We have three doctors saying that he shouldn’t be working right now. I am also a PSW and waitress and I cannot work because it puts him at risk. We were denied after a month of short-term disability. My question is we went for the CERB only out of desperation, we accepted the denial, but I feel it’s a bit unjust.”
► 3 things you should find out about your disability lawyer BEFORE you hire them to fight your insurance company:
►(11:40) – How much experience the lawyer and his/her law firm have with long term disability cases?
►(14:29) – Whether the lawyer and his/her law firm also practice employment law?
►(16:49) – Reputation. Reputation. Reputation.
►Call: Do I have to do a transferrable skills assessment if my doctor has said I cannot work at all?
(21:05) “I’ve been on long-term disability for about a year and a half because of a neurological disorder that is getting progressively worse. I can’t work in any capacity and my doctors confirmed this. My insurance company wants me to go through a transferrable skills analysis and I don’t understand why. Do I have to participate and if I do, what do they hope to get out of this assessment?”
►Email: What can I do if my insurer says I am not “totally disabled”?
(26:25) My parents have watched your program for a long time, and they told me to call you about my situation. I’ve been fighting with my employer and insurance company for almost 2 years now because they keep rejecting my disability claim. First, I went on EI sick benefits and then when I applied for long-term disability, which my employer is supposed to pay, the insurance company they have that handles the claim said that I’m not totally disabled so I don’t qualify. I work in an auto-plant and my job is very physical. I have very bad migraines and chronic pain throughout my body. I’m 52 and if I don’t get this disability, I don’t know what I will do. My doctors agree that I can’t work at this point. I’ve tried to appeal several times and as you say all the time appeals don’t work. I’ve seen that firsthand. My question is whether I’m out of time to start a legal claim?
Previous Episode: Disability Law Show S2 E25 – 3 Excuses Insurance Companies Give for Denying COVID-19 Related Claims
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