3 Excuses Insurance Companies Give for Denying COVID-19 Related Claims – Disability Law Show S2 E25

Your Disability Insurance Rights During COVID-19 on the Disability Law Show on Global TV with disability lawyer Sivan Tumarkin. Learn how to fight back against the insurance company and get what you’re owed when your long-term disability claim is denied.
►Week That Was
The psychological impact of COVID-19 on Canadians.
(00:55) Disability Lawyer Sivan Tumarkin discusses the impact of COVID-19 on mental health and disability claims for Canadians.
►Call: What can I do if my employer cannot accommodate my disability?
(05:57) “My wife was diagnosed with cancer in November of 2017. She went through short-term disability then went on long-term disability. That long-term disability ended in March and she was deemed not fully disabled. Her employer just told her that they do not currently have a position to put her in, right now, because she can’t go back to her regular job because of the physical limitations of it.”
► 3 excuses insurance companies are giving for denying COVID-19 related disability claims:
►(11:50) You can’t get LTD for psychologically related COVID-19 disabilities such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, etc.
►(14:05) – You’re not getting regular treatments so we will cut you off LTD
►(16:29) – You’re not giving us the medical updates we are requesting so we will cut you off LTD
►Call: What should I do if my insurer disagrees with my doctor and cuts off my LTD?
(19:27) “My son has been on long term disability for a chronic pain disorder for the past 2 years. Recently his adjuster told him that he has to go back to work and is forcing him to do it. His benefits will stop at the end of August. My son is not able to work and his neurologist and family doctor agree. What can we do?”
►Email: Can my LTD payments be cut off if I don’t want to go to a doctor recommended by my insurer?
(24:15) My daughter has been on long-term disability for just under a year. She suffers from psychosis and multiple personality disorder. Unfortunately, her psychiatrist moved and since then she has had difficulty finding a replacement. Her adjuster is pressuring her to see a doctor they (the insurer) recommends but she is hesitant. She has someone else in mind, but the adjuster is persistent. Can she be cut off LTD if she doesn’t go to their doctor? It seems like she can be from what the adjuster is telling her.
►Email: Can my LTD payments be cut off if I don’t want to go to a doctor recommended by my insurer?
(26:39) My wife was denied long-term disability last year in February. We hired a lawyer a week after and since then it has been extremely difficult to get in touch with him. Nothing has happened with her file and every time we try to get some information about when the case will be resolved we are told by his assistant that he is working on it. We are thinking of switching lawyers after hearing your show for the past several weeks and we just wanted to know if you think that’s a good idea. We are very frustrated with her lawyer.
Previous Episode: Disability Law Show S2 E24 – 3 things you need to know if your long-term disability insurer is pressuring you to go back to work
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