COVID-19: Refusing to return to an unsafe workplace – Global News
Can you refuse to return to work in an unsafe enviroment? Partner Lior Samfiru told Global News why this question will likely…
COVID-19: Recalled to work and long term disability claims – 580 CFRA
Partner Alex Lucifero spoke to Newstalk 580 CFRA about returning to work during the COVID-19 pandemic and the ability to claim long…
Employment Law Show 640 Toronto – S8 E35
Employment lawyer Alex Lucifero takes your phone calls on S8 E35 of the Employment Law Show on Global News Radio 640 Toronto.
What does your doctor need to write in a letter to help you get approved for long term disability – Disability Law Show S2 E23
What does your doctor need to write in a letter to help you get approved for long-term disability? Find out the answer…
Employment Law Show 640 Toronto – S8 E34
Employment lawyer Lior Samfiru takes your phone calls on S8 E34 of the Employment Law Show on Global News Radio 640 Toronto.
Bill Kelly Show: Return to work during COVID-19 pandemic
A Hamilton employment lawyer joined 900 CHML to examine an employee's right to refuse to return to work as businesses reopen during…
COVID-19: Anxious about returning to work? Get the facts – CBC News
Do employees have a right not to return to work while the COVID-19 pandemic is still in play? Partner Lior Samfiru spoke…
COVID-19: Employee Rights when businesses reopen
Employment Lawyer Alex Lucifero answers questions on CTV News about Employee Rights When Businesses Reopen during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Canada.
Employment Law Show 580 CFRA – S3 E9
Employment lawyer Lior Samfiru takes your phone calls on S3 E9 of the Employment Law Show on Newstalk 580 CFRA in Ottawa.