Employment lawyer Chantel Goldsmith on NDAs and the Hockey Canada assault investigation
Employment lawyer Chantel Goldsmith joins Kelly Cutrara to discuss non-disclosure agreements as Hockey Canada re-opens an assault investigation.
Employment Law Show: Ontario – S10 E81
Questions about severance? What is the duty to accommodate? Employment Lawyer Lior Samfiru national practice leader at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP, answers those…
Employment Law Show: Ontario – S10 E80
Employment Lawyer Chris Justice, Associate at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP, discusses three key things to look out for in an employment contract, and…
Employment Law Show: Ontario – S10 E79
Are probation periods automatically imposed? Can you refuse to accept a probationary peroid? Employment Lawyer Chris Justice, Associate at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP answers…
Bird Construction: Severance Packages
Laid off or lost your job at Bird Construction? Learn about your employment rights in Canada and how to calculate your severance…
Ontario court awards employee 24 months of severance, employer required to pay additional $28,000
Ontario court awards employee 24 months of severance. Employer required to pay additional $28,000 in costs.
Bora Pharmaceuticals: Severance Packages
Laid off or lost your job at Bora Pharmaceuticals? Learn about your employment rights in Canada and how to calculate your severance…
Employment Law Show: Ontario – S10 E78
What are your rights as an employee when a business is sold? Are you always entitled to severance? Employment Lawyer Alex Lucifero, a…
Disability Law Show: Ontario – S4 E36
When does a change in definition occur? What can you do if cut off LTD? Disability lawyers James Fireman and Tamar Agopian…