Disability Insurance For Self-employed Workers
Disability insurance policies are obtained by self-employed individuals, including lawyers, doctors, accountants, dentists, and other professionals. These policies are meant to serve as income replacement for those individuals if they suffer an illness or injury and are unable to fulfill the duties of their occupation.
Claims made by self-employed professionals are often heavily questioned and scrutinized by insurance companies due high income and larger benefit amounts provided by the policies. The disability lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP have the experience and successful track record required to assist you with every aspect of the disability claim process, from filing to fighting a long term disability claim denial.
If your Long-term disability claim is denied by the insurance company, Samfiru Tumarkin LLP can fight in your corner. Insurance companies deny legitimate disability claims with the expectation that most individuals will simply give up instead of fighting for the compensation they are rightfully owed.
Self-employed Professional? Here's What You Need To Know
Disability insurance plans are meant to help protect your income if you become sick, injured, or otherwise unable to perform your job. -
Understanding the coverage provided by your insurance is critical to ensuring you are protected.
Terms and Conditions
It is important to know the limitations and restrictions of your insurance policy to protect your rights. The definition of a disability can change between companies, ensure that you understand this and how it affects you. -
Individual Plans
Is your policy renewable without additional evidence? A gaurenteed renewable policy allows continued insurance coverage without needing yearly examination.
Your Rights
It is important to understand that when you buy insurance, you are not buying “peace of mind.” What you are really buying is rights you can enforce against your insurer when they fail to provide you with the protection they sold you.
In most instances, we do not need to sue. We often start off with a demand letter outlining the facts, the law, and our demand that the insurer comply with the terms of the contract. Insurers often know when they are wrong. The problem is that most people are vulnerable because they do not know the law, they do not know what information to give the insurer (or not to give), and they fail to recognize red flags during the claims process. Insurers knows this and, unfortunately, they sometimes take advantage of the situation.
Strict Time Limitations
There are strict time limitations for starting lawsuits against insurers. Most people are unaware of these timelines and often miss them. When you miss a limitation period, the insurer does not have to pay your claim and your right to sue them is taken away.
People generally come to us for one of the following reasons:
- Their claim is taking very long to resolve;
- The adjuster on their file continues to ask for more and more informaton and documentation, some of which may seem irrelevant;
- They are told that their file was transferred to SIU (Special Investigations Unit); or
- Their claim has been denied.
All of these are red flags and if you experience any of these situations, you should immediately consult a lawyer.
Additional Resources for Disability Claims
Explore some of our past blogs and content related to disability insurance in Canada.Blog

TD Insurance Denials Criticized After Others Come Forward
Sivan Tumarkin, a Disability Lawyer and partner at Samfiru Tumarkin talks with Global News' Sean O'Shea about why insurance companies deny claims.

Insurance Claim Denied? Here’s What You Can Do
You have Long Term Disability Insurance or Short Term Disability Insurance, and your insurance claims have been denied.

Sun Life Denies Life Insurance Over Anxiety Disorder
Sun Life refused life insurance to an Ontario man suffering from a generalized anxiety disorder. Disability Lawyer Sivan Tumarkin explains his rights.
Areas Served in Canada
Our team of experienced disability lawyers can help individuals in all Canadian provinces (excluding Quebec) when their long-term disability benefits are denied or cut off.
Alberta • British Columbia • Manitoba • New Brunswick • Newfoundland & Labrador • Nova Scotia • Ontario • P.E.I. • Saskatchewan