Will parents be able to claim maternity benefits during COVID-19?

As some parents prepare to send their children to school in September during COVID-19, expecting Canadian parents instead are concerned with the requirements needed in order to qualify for maternity or parental benefits.
Toronto employment lawyer and partner Lior Samfiru joined Global News Radio’s Peter Shurman to discuss what options parents have in this situation and what they should expect from the Canadian government.
What They Discussed
- What can expectant mothers do if they don’t meet the required hours to qualify for maternity benefits? This is an issue of the employment insurance system – and needs to be changed by the government.
- Is the woman who wrote the grievance letter correct that the government must step in? The CERB benefit does not address this situation either yet is more pliable and could be adapted to fit.
- Is this situation largely due to a lack of knowledge of technology? The government has acknowledged this lack, however, has not done anything to rectify the situation.
- MPs have admitted the main issue is changing the code on the employment insurance system to allow for more hours.