Will paid sick days be mandated in Ontario?

A headshot of Canadian employment lawyer Lior Samfiru next to the Samfiru Tumarkin LLP and CBC News logos.

With coronavirus cases still on the rise in Canada and reports of outbreaks in workplaces, many Canadians are wondering whether or not paid sick days will be implemented. Will the government offer additional support to businesses?

Lior Samfiru, a Toronto employment lawyer and co-founding partner at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP joins the CBC’s Matt Galloway on the Current to answers these questions and more on employee rights amidst the pandemic.

What They Discussed

Is the solution to the current COVID-19 crisis in Ontario paid sick days?

Paid sick days should help to curb the virus. Implementing paid sick days can be difficult as the responsibility lies completely with employers. As a result of the pandemic, many employers are barely surviving and will now have to incur an additional financial obligation.

Are paid sick days a better short term solution than a complete shutdown of businesses?

Many employers who provide paid sick days assume that the sick days will all be taken by employees and they will have to incur the cost somehow.

Is there evidence that employees are taking advantage of being offered paid sick days?

Some employers have experienced employees who take advantage of sick days. Ultimately, however, the government has the option to step in and provide some incentive to employers that will help employees. Individuals cannot afford to be off if sick without pay, and the government can potentially help support businesses and employees with proper aid.

Is that attitude amongst the business community changing in regards to paid sick days?

Many businesses are in a position to offer sick days and are happy to do so as it allows them to remain open as there are fewer chances of a potential outbreak.

What should employees who become sick and are worried about income do?

Employees who become ill should have access to the Canda Sickness Benefit and apply to it. Employees should also communicate with their employer and most importantly, not go to work if they are ill.

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