Employment Law

Victoria Day Statutory Holiday in Ontario: Employee Guide

A marble statue of Queen Victoria, for whom Victoria Day is celebrated in Ontario.

What is Victoria Day?

Victoria Day is a federal Canadian public holiday that honours Queen Victoria’s Birthday. It is celebrated on the last Monday before May 25th, and is commonly regarded as the unofficial start of the summer season. In Ontario, it is recognized as a statutory holiday, and most provincially and federally regulated employees get the day off work with pay.

The day is traditionally marked with parades, fireworks, and outdoor activities like picnics and barbecues. It is commonly referred to as the May long weekend, or by the double entendre May Two-Four.

When is Victoria Day?

Victoria Day is on the last Monday before May 25th each year in Ontario.

Is Victoria Day a Paid Day Off in Ontario?

Yes. Victoria Day is a paid day off for most people working in Ontario, including salaried, seasonal, full-time, part-time, contract and temporary workers.

Victoria Day Dates

Year Date
2024 Monday, May 20
2025 Monday, May 19
2026 Monday, May 18
2027 Monday, May 24
2028 Monday, May 22
2029 Monday, May 21
2030 Monday, May 20
2031 Monday, May 19
2032 Monday, May 24
2033 Monday, May 23
2034 Monday, May 22

Who is Entitled to Victoria Day?

Most provincially regulated employees in Ontario are eligible to take Victoria Day off as a statutory holiday, according to the Employment Standards Act (ESA). Federally regulated employees working in Ontario are also entitled to the holiday under the Canada Labour Code (CLC).

Severance pay for federally regulated workers

Employees in continuous operations like hospitals or essential services might not get Victoria Day off in Ontario.

Working on Victoria Day: Pay Rights

If you work on Victoria Day in Ontario, you have the right to extra pay. You can get holiday pay plus 1.5 times your usual pay, or your regular pay plus another holiday day off. It depends on your employer’s rules and policies.

  • Alternative Day Off: If you work on Victoria Day and choose a day off instead of extra pay, you must take this day off within 3 months of the holiday. However, you can agree in writing with your employer to take the day off within 12 months of Victoria Day.

The “Last and First Rule”

In Ontario, you must work your last scheduled shift before and first shift after Victoria Day to be eligible for holiday pay, unless you have a valid reason for missing work (like an illness or injury).

Calculating Victoria Day Pay in Ontario

To calculate pay for Victoria Day in Ontario, divide the total wages earned in the four weeks before the holiday week by 20.

Can my employer refuse to give me Victoria Day off?

In Ontario, the ESA mandates that eligible employees, unless exempt due to specific reasons, are entitled to take Victoria Day off with pay. If your employer denies you this statutory holiday, it’s important to seek assistance from the Ministry of Labour.

Terminations and Victoria Day

If you’ve been fired without cause near Victoria Day, it’s crucial to understand your rights through a consultation with an Ontario employment lawyer at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP immediately.

Do not accept any severance offer, termination papers, or exit agreement from your employer, even if they come with a deadline. These deadlines are pressure tactics used to push you into accepting inadequate compensation. Once you sign and return these documents, you forfeit your ability to negotiate a fair and proper severance package. A full severance package can be as much as 24 months’ pay.

Talk To an Employment Lawyer

The knowledgeable employment law team at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP has helped tens of thousands of non-unionized individuals across the country.

In addition to severance package negotiations, we have experience securing solutions for the following employment matters:

Our lawyers in Ontario, Alberta, and B.C. stand ready to help you solve your workplace issues.

If you are a non-unionized employee who needs help with an employment issue, contact us or call 1-855-821-5900 to get the advice you need, and the compensation you deserve.

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