Vaccine passports in Ontario: The facts

Have vaccine passports ended in Ontario?
Yes. The Ontario government ended the province’s COVID-19 vaccine passport program on March 1, 2022. Individuals no longer need to show proof of vaccination to enter businesses or public settings.
Can businesses still ask for proof of vaccination?
Even though the government has stopped the vaccine passport system, private businesses that are open to the public may still choose to continue to require proof of vaccination for members of the public after March 1.
Are masks still required?
Ontario removed the mandatory mask requirement for workplaces, businesses and most public settings, including schools, stores, and restaurants, on March 21, 2022. Mask requirements will remain in place for public transit, health care, long-term care, and congregate care settings until April 27, 2022.
Are there still pandemic capacity limits for places and gatherings in Ontario?
There are no longer capacity limits on restaurants, gyms, movie theatres, nightclubs, sporting and concert venues and social gatherings in Ontario. Limits were partially eased on February 17, 2022. All remaining capacity restrictions were lifted on March 1, 2022.
Can my employer fire me if I don’t get a COVID-19 vaccination?
Do long-term care workers still require vaccination?
The vaccine mandate for Ontario staff, health care workers, and visitors at long-term care facilities within the province will remain in effect.
Where can I find out more information about Ontario’s current COVID passport program?
The Government of Ontario maintains a website that provides information about the province’s proof of vaccination program.