Employment Law

Tech Layoffs and Rights for Employees: Toronto employment lawyer on Global News

Interview Summary

As many workplaces are still reeling from the effects of the pandemic and the past few years, the technology sector is again undergoing a surge of layoffs. What will this mean for employees hoping to protect their rights and entitlements? Should employees in the tech sector be prepared for more layoffs ahead as businesses return to pre-pandemic normalcy?

Jon Pinkus, a Toronto employment lawyer and Partner at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP spoke with Global News’ Irelyne Lavery on the ongoing layoffs and employee rights in the sector.

Interview Notes

“What many of them tell us is: ‘It’s a double whammy because I’ve lost my job and I don’t know how I’m going to get another one in the near future because everyone else is in the same circumstances as me,” Pinkus explains, as his firm has dealt with many employees who have recently lost employment.

Microsoft lays off thousands of jobs
Hootsuite layoffs and severance entitlements

Pinkus emphasizes the importance of employees being aware of their rights to adequate severance in the event of termination and seeking legal advice from an employment lawyer.

“Don’t take what your employer says at face value. They’re going to be looking out for their own interests and the only way that you can look out for yourself is if you get your own legal counsel,” he says.

Pinkus goes on to explain that severance pay will vary for employees depending on several factors. “The main thing that the law looks at is your age, your position and your tenure – but that’s really the starting point. An employment lawyer is going to be able to help you assess what those entitlements are.”

Lastly, Pinkus states employees should not take action before considering all of their options.

“You want to (read everything carefully) before you sign anything,” Pinkus says. “Once you sign something, that’s it.”

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